Population level of microbiota in colon of brestfed infants with acute colienteritis


  • D. V. Rotar Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • L. I. Sydorchuk Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • A. S. Sydorchuk Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • А. О. Mikheev Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • N. D. Yakovychuk Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • I. Y. Sydorchuk Bukovinian state medical university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,




colienteriti0, infants, colon, microbiota


Introduction: Despite the undeniable successes in the study of etiology and pathogenesis of acute intestinal infections in children made in recent decades, unfortunately, its’ result does not guarantee clear determination of etiology and mechanisms of development of the disease. This makes impossible to conduct a successful therapy and prevention.

Aim: To determine the quantitative changes of microbiome in colon cavity in breastfed infants suffering from colienteritis.

Material and methods: Content of colon cavity of 48 children (one to six months old) suffered from colienteritis, which was studied with microbiological examination (control group – 35 samples of colon content of practically healthy children).

Results: It was revealed that population level of Bifidobacteria in colon cavity in breastfed infants suffering from colienteritis reaches 10.87±0.79 lg CFU/g, Lactobacilli is lower by 12.29 %, Bacteroides – 51.39 %, Escherichia - by 36.39 %. This leads to the contamination of colon with pathogenic E. coli Hly+ in 27.08 % (7.79±0.27 lg CFU/g). Smaller (6.50±0.22 lg CFU/g) population level is found in enteropathogenic Escherichia that contaminate biotope in 29.17 % of patients. There is experiencing elevation of population level of Staphylococci by 2.10 times and colonization of the biotope by pathogenic Escherichia (E. coli Hly+, EPEC) and conditionally pathogenic Enterobacteria (Proteus spp., C. diversus), Peptococus. The results demonstrated that in majority of sick children there is formation of dysbacteriosis of I stage, and in other one (35.41 %) - II-III stages.

Conclusions: Acute colienteritis in one to six months old children, who are bestfeded, develops on the background of prevailing colon dysbiosis of I – III stages. This disturbancy is formed by reducing the number of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli and the contamination of colon with E. coli Hly +, enteropathogenic Escherichia and C. diversus, Proteus spp., Peptococi, Staphylococci and Peptostreptococci, on the background of growth of the population level of Bacteroides and Escherichia.


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How to Cite

Rotar DV, Sydorchuk LI, Sydorchuk AS, Mikheev АО, Yakovychuk ND, Sydorchuk IY. Population level of microbiota in colon of brestfed infants with acute colienteritis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017May5 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/100829



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