Assessment of palliative patients with chemoresistance pulmonary tuberculosis life quality in the conditions of specialized hospital at the corrective labour colony




drug-resistant tuberculosis, palliative care, assessment of quality of life questionnaire of the MOS SF-36


Objective – to evaluate the quality of life of palliative patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis at a specialized hospital penal colony in terms of the questionnaire of the MOS SF-36 and justify the appropriateness of its application for a differentiated approach in dependence of physical or mentally health components oppression, monitoring their health status.

Materials and Methods. Quality of life assessment was performed in 95 patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis who were treated in a specialized tuberculosis hospital at the penal colony. 53 patients of them were on palliative treatment and included into main observation group and comparison group consisted of 42 patients who received antimycobacterial chemotherapy in the maintenance phase of treatment. To determine the norms of quality studied indicators in our region, we have formed a control group consisted of 40 healthy volunteers. For quality of life assessment the questionnaire of the MOS SF-36 was used.

Results. Increase the intensity of pain in palliative patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis contributes physical functioning limitation. Acute emotional instability (depression, anxiety and negative emotions) with limited social activity causes low self-esteem of mental state. Such changes ultimately result in inhibition of the viability and general health deterioration. For these patients particular attention should be paid to such scale of life quality assessment asPF,VT and MH as they were significantly lower compared with those drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients with antimycobacterial chemotherapy in maintenance phase of treatment.

Conclusions. Drug-resistant tuberculosis in patients who are in palliative care leads to a drastic reduction of all quality of life parameters. Using the questionnaire of the MOS SF-36 for quality of life in palliative patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis assessment is reasonable for a differentiated approach in dependence of physical or mentally health components oppression, health monitoring of these patients.



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How to Cite

Raznatovska OM, Khudyakov GV. Assessment of palliative patients with chemoresistance pulmonary tuberculosis life quality in the conditions of specialized hospital at the corrective labour colony. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017May5 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from:



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