Reproductologist’s current views on etiopathogenesis and treatment of uterine leiomyoma




leiomyoma, morphogenesis, reproductive health, care algorithm


Aim. To analyze specialized scientific literature for compilation of data about contemporary views on the uterus leiomyoma etiopathogenetic features, its clinical course and influence on woman’s reproductive function, and also to study data about modern methods of the uterus leiomyoma prophylaxis and treatment.

Leiomyoma is the most common benign uterine tumor of reproductive age which ranks second in the gynecologic diseases following uterus and appendages inflammation. There are data about molecular biology, genetics and immunehistochemistry features of diagnostic and treatment of the uterine leiomyoma in the article. Although many molecular-genetic determinants of the uterine leiomyoma have been lately discovered, however etiology and pathophysiology of disease have not been enough studied. Leiomyoma is a medical-social problem that results in the decline of capacity and violation of woman’s reproductive function, and also accompanied by range of obstetric and perinatal complications. This review provides analysis of conservative treatment modern methods and innovative technologies of uterine leiomyoma operative treatment in young women with unrealized reproductive plans.

Materials and Methods. Accessible scientific literature over the last five years concerning features of etiopathogenesis, clinical course and the modern methods of uterus leiomyoma treatment were studied and analyzed. Methods of gynecological observation, systemic and content-analysis were used.

Conclusions: Leiomyoma ranks second in the gynecologic diseases following uterus and appendages inflammation. In 20-30% of cases leoimyoma is etiological factor of infertility and in 15-30% of cases is the cause of miscarriage. Reproductive function of patients is actual gynecological and obstetrical problem and therefore its resolving is the step-by-step etiopathogenetic approuch depending on the patient’s age, their reproductive anamnesis, prasense of genital snd somatic pathology. Use of the modern conservative and surgical methods of uterine leiomyoma treatment gives possibility to decrease in rate of complications, to preserve the uterus and female reproductive function, to increase in treatment efficiency and life quality of these patients.



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How to Cite

Avramenko NV, Barkovsky DE, Kabachenko OV, Letsin DV. Reproductologist’s current views on etiopathogenesis and treatment of uterine leiomyoma. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017May5 [cited 2025Mar.9];(3). Available from:


