Restoration of autonomic balance and cortical and cerebral structures functions harmonization indicators by means of gamma-aminobutyric acid system modulation in patients with primary hypertension


  • V. V. Batushkin Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 5, Kyiv, Ukraine,
  • I. О. Lavrinchuk PHЕE “Kyiv Medical University”, Kyiv, Ukraine.,



hypertension, autonomic dysfunction, affective symptoms, autonomic tone, Passiflora incarnate extract


The problem of arterial hypertension is getting more relevant because of the increasing of it prevalence both all over the world and inUkraine.

Aim of the work was the investigation of psychoemotional disorders and vegetative homeostasis in patients with non-complicated forms of AH and their correction with the application of Passiflora incarnata extract as a part of the complex antihypertensive therapy.

Materials and Methods. 73 patients of both sexes in active working age with AH stage II were examined. All patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 consisted of 35 patients with hypertension, who on the background of standard antihypertensive treatment were prescribed a plant remedy containing Passiflora incarnata extract – Alora® syrup (Nobelpharma Ilach Sanayi Wei Tidjaret A. Sh., Turkey) at a dose of 10 ml 3 times a day for 4 weeks. The 2nd group was a control; it included 38 patients with hypertension treated only with antihypertensive therapy.

Arterial pressure was measured with a manual mechanical tonometer at rest, according to the Unified clinical protocol of medical care "Arterial hypertension". The psychoemotional state was investigated with the help of test questionnaire using the PHQ-90 Health Scale (maximum 27 points). To assess the state of autonomic regulation we used analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) values obtained with the IPEC-6-CARDIOPLUS FASAGRAF® device. Statistical processing was carried out using the Student's variation method.

Results. The clinical study proves that using the medicine of Passiflora incarnata extract for patients with uncomplicated forms of hypertension during 4 weeks provides possibility to obtain an additional hypotensive effect against the background of using standard antihypertensive therapy as a demonstration of a wide range of Passiflora incarnata pharmacological activity.

Conclusions. The implementation of the Рassiflora drug complex application are sympatholytic and vascular tone modifying effects, expressed positive dynamics in the psychoemotional state, manifested as anxiolytic and sedative actions, and optimization of the emotional state and degree of psychological tension in patients with AH.


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How to Cite

Batushkin VV, Lavrinchuk IО. Restoration of autonomic balance and cortical and cerebral structures functions harmonization indicators by means of gamma-aminobutyric acid system modulation in patients with primary hypertension. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Jul.3 [cited 2025Mar.7];(4). Available from:



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