Arterial hypertension and pulse pressure in school-age children


  • Yu. M. Nechytailo Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.,
  • N. I. Kovtyuk Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.,
  • D. Yu. Nechytailo Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.,



school-age children, hypertension, pulse pressure, overweight


Childhood arterial hypertension (AH) has become a global problem not only for pediatrics, but also for public health in general.

Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension among school-age children and diagnostic value of pulse pressure.

Materials and Methods. In total 848 children in 10–17 years of age (mean age – 13.9 ± 0.06 years, 45.4 % boys and 54.6 % girls) from urban and rural areas of Chernivtsi region were examined in schools during screening for elevated blood pressure (BP). School-based ambulatory seated BP was measured by oscillometric automated recording devices with the age selection of cuffs. Elevated systolic (SAP) or diastolic (DAP) pressure was diagnosed in those children with indicators above the 95th percentile of age norms in accordance with the national normative values. In cases of elevated BP the measurements were verificated by aneroid device.

Results. It has been established that the frequency of high blood pressure in the examined school students was 25.2 %, including 17.7 % of arterial hypertension (BP above 95 percentile) and 7.5 % – pre-hypertension (90–95 percentile). The prevalence of hypertension varied with age subgroups and the highest level was in 16 years of age – 29.9 % with high blood pressure (21.9 % above 95 percentile and 8.0 % between the 90th and 95th percentiles). Increased SAP was combined with an increased DAP in 47.3 % of cases and in the study had a positive correlation with overweight (r = 0.27, p < 0.05) and negative with physical performance (r = -0.21, p < 0.05). The pulse pressure had significant correlations with SAP, AH and overweight and it could be used as additional diagnostic index of AH.

Conclusions. The prevalence of elevated BP in our study is higher than in European countries and exceeds 20 % of the child population. The elevated BP in our children has positive correlation with overweight and the negative with physical performance. The level of pulse pressure has significant correlation with SAP and overweight and it could be used as additional diagnostic index of AH.


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How to Cite

Nechytailo YM, Kovtyuk NI, Nechytailo DY. Arterial hypertension and pulse pressure in school-age children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Jul.3 [cited 2025Mar.7];(4). Available from:



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