Dynamics of content of some minerals in teenagers’ organisms with cardiovascular system pathology and chronic tonsillitis


  • O. I. Smiyan
  • Yu. A. Mozgova
  • S. V. Popov
  • V. A. Gorbas Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • V. A. Smiyanov Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • I. Yu. Visockiy Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • N. O. Dolgova Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • M. V. Kolesnikova Sumy State University, Ukraine,




children, tonsillitis, cardiovascular system, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium


The article presents basic features of the mineral metabolism in adolescent children suffering from chronic tonsillitis and secondary affection of the cardiovascular system in disease dynamics.

Aim of this work was to study the dynamics of zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium in adolescents with disorders of the cardiovascular system and chronic tonsillitis.

Materials and methods. 63 patients with chronic tonsillitis were examined, among them – 31 children suffered from chronic tonsillitis without pathology of the cardiovascular system (I group), 32 – were patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system on the background of chronic tonsillitis (II group). Determination of concentration of trace elements of iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium in blood serum was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

Results. The content of trace elements zinc, iron, minerals potassium and magnesium was analyzed. It breaches of macro- and trace element composition in the blood serum of children with chronic tonsillitis in the form of lower concentrations of iron and zinc in patients with damage to the cardiovascular system, and in patients without cardiac disease. It should be noted that children with tonsillogenyc cardiac lesions had a significant decrease in the level of macro-magnesium during hospitalization compared to children without cardiovascular pathology. After treatment, levels of such elements as iron, zinc, magnesium were not normalized. Moreover, significant changes were observed in patients with heart disease on the background of chronic tonsillitis. After the standard treatment, concentrations of iron and zinc in both groups, and magnesium in children from the second group remained at a low level, compaed with children without cardiac disease.

Conclusion. The analysis of micro and macro elements in the serum of children with chronic tonsillitis, showed a significant decrease of iron and zinc concentration in the first days of hospitalization in both groups of respondents, and magnesium in children from the second group.


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How to Cite

Smiyan OI, Mozgova YA, Popov SV, Gorbas VA, Smiyanov VA, Visockiy IY, Dolgova NO, Kolesnikova MV. Dynamics of content of some minerals in teenagers’ organisms with cardiovascular system pathology and chronic tonsillitis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Jul.3 [cited 2025Mar.7];(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/104886



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