Effect of ambient air pollutants on frequency of stenosing laryngotracheitis and recurrent stenosing laryngotracheitis in children


  • L. M. Stanislavchuk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine,




laryngotracheitis, recurrenсе, children, air pollution


Objective of the research was to study the frequency of stenosing laryngotracheitis (LT) and recurrent stenosing laryngotracheitis (RLT) incidences in children depending on ambient air pollutants concentration.

Methods. The concentrations of suspended sediments, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, and formaldehyde in Vinnytsia within 1508 days (2000–2004) have been analyzed. All medical emergency calls caused by LT diagnosis (1–3 episodes of the disease) and RLT diagnosis (4 and > episodes of the disease) in children aged 0–14 years have been studied.

Results. It has been established that a level of the atmospheric air pollution in Vinnytsia had been consistently high mainly due to formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride and suspended sediments. The 1178 incidences of LT and 72 incidences of RLT were registered. The number of daily incidences of LT and RLT ranged from 0 to 6 and from 0 to 2, respectively. The average daily concentrations and daily 20-minute maximum concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen fluoride in air were higher on days with LT incidences than on days without LT incidences. The average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen fluoride during the observation period exceeded the maximum permissible average daily concentrations. The average of 20-minute maximum of nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen fluoride concentrations during the observation period did not exceed the maximum permissible single exposure concentrations. Direct weak correlations have been revealed between LT incidences in children and daily average concentrations and 20-minute maximum concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen fluoride in air. It hasn’t been revealed correlations between LT incidences and ambient air pollution by suspended sediments, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and formaldehyde. There were no significant differences in average concentrations and 20-minute maximum concentrations of air pollutants between days with RLT incidences and days without RLT incidences.

Conclusions. The correlations between LT and ambient air pollution by nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen fluoride have been established. No correlation between RLT and air pollutants has been revealed.


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How to Cite

Stanislavchuk LM. Effect of ambient air pollutants on frequency of stenosing laryngotracheitis and recurrent stenosing laryngotracheitis in children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Oct.17 [cited 2025Mar.9];(5). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/110109



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