Analysis of peculiarities of identification, diagnostics and course of tuberculosis in patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection


  • V. P. Melnyk Private Higher Educational Establishment «Kyiv Medical University», Ukraine,
  • T. H. Khursa Private Higher Educational Establishment «Kyiv Medical University», Ukraine,
  • Ya. О. Yakymova Private Higher Educational Establishment «Kyiv Medical University», Ukraine,
  • G. Ya. Soloninka Private Higher Educational Establishment «Kyiv Medical University», Ukraine,



co-infection, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency, Helper cells


Objective – to analyse dynamics of detection of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in tuberculosis/HIV co-infection, to identify the main clinical forms of tuberculosis, the type of tuberculosis process and the structure of incidence of tuberculosis, to analyse dependence of a clinical form of tuberculosis on quantity of CD4 cells.

Materials and methods. 155 patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection and 155 patients with tuberculosis without HIV infection were examined. All patients underwent general clinical examination, laboratory tests, X-ray, microbiological, histological studies (with extrapulmonary tuberculosis).

Results. In all patients, co-infection was detected mainly by respiratory tuberculosis (in 73 % of HIV-positive and 89 % of HIV-negative patients). In HIV-positive patients, tuberculosis was more often detected by the passive way (81 %), and in HIV-negative patients – by the active way (78 %). 66.5 % of patients had HIV infection first, 21.3 % had the first tuberculosis, and 12.2 % had HIV infection and tuberculosis at the same time. In clinical forms in patients with HIV-infection, infiltrative and disseminated tuberculosis prevailed. Pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed in 70.3 % of patients, extrapulmonary – in 11 %, pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis – in 18.7 %. In 28.4 % of patients, immunodeficiency was detected with CD4 cells less than 100 in 1mm3, in 22.6 % of patients – 101–200 CD4 cells in 1 mm3, in 10.3 % in 201–300 CD4 in 1 mm3, in 14.8 % of patients – 301–500 CD4 in 1 mm3 and in 23.9 % ≥ 500 CD4 in 1 mm3. In 56.1 % of patients, first diagnosed tuberculosis was detected, 28.4 % had the relapse of tuberculosis, 7.7 % had tuberculosis after a previous ineffective treatment, 7.7 % had tuberculosis with treatment after the break. Bacterial excretion (by the scopic method) was detected in 42.6 % of patients, by the bacteriological method – in 73.9 %, by the molecular-genetic method – in 93.2 %, typical morphological changes (by the histological method) – in 10.0 % of patients.

Conclusions. Among patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection, 66.5% of patients have HIV infection is primarily detected, pulmonary tuberculosis is diagnosed in 70.3 % of cases and extrapulmonary tuberculosis is significantly underdetection. Atipical localization of pulmonary tuberculosis was in 47.7 % of patients. 51 % of patients had immunodeficiency (CD4 < 200/mm3, 28.4 % of them had CD4 < 100/mm3), among them, most were diagnosed with disseminated and miliary tuberculosis. Bacterial excretion in patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection by the scopy method was detected in 42.6 % of cases, what is 1.6 times less than in patients without HIV infection.


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How to Cite

Melnyk VP, Khursa TH, Yakymova YО, Soloninka GY. Analysis of peculiarities of identification, diagnostics and course of tuberculosis in patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Oct.17 [cited 2025Mar.9];(5). Available from:



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