Development of composition and technology of children's dental films with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory activity


  • A. M. Sampiev
  • A. V. Bespalova
  • E. B. Nikiforova



biomedical and dental materials, trimekain, Сhamomile flowers


The work purpose. To develop composition and technology of children's dental films with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory activity.

Materials and methods. Pharmaceutical substance of trimecaine, Chamomile flowers and excipients: sodium carboxymethylcellulose, gelatin, polyethylene oxide-600, purified water were used in the study. These were permitted for medical use and meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents. Aqueous extract from Chamomile flowers was obtained in laboratory conditions with method of remaceration in compliance with rules of technology for this method. The content of flavonoids in terms of rutin in flowers of Chamomile and the resulting aqueous extracts was determined with spectrophotometria by Pharmacopoeias method. Film-forming solutions were prepared in accordance with their physico-chemical properties and recommended technological modes of preparation. The dental films were obtained by the method of watering the film mass on a glass substrate, followed by drying. In order to select the optimal composition of dental films we investigated their adhesive properties, osmotic activity and biopharmaceutical performance. The adhesion activity of dental films was studied by the method, based on the determination of the strength of separation the glass plates from each other. The osmotic activity of dental films was determined by method of dialysis through a semipermeable membrane. The biopharmaceutical properties were evaluated by the method of diffusion in agar.

Results. It was found that the most appropriate way to obtain an aqueous extract of Chamomile flowers is a three-stage remaceration of hot purified water, which allows to extract more than 70 % of the amount of flavonoids from the feedstock. To determine the rational combination of auxiliary components of film matrix several different compositions, comprising sodium carboxymethylcellulose, gelatin, polyethylene oxide-600, trimecaine, sodium benzoate, and aqueous extract of chamomile flowers were prepared. The resulting films were a flexible elastic plates light brown color with a pleasant characteristic odor and taste characteristic for organoleptic properties of Chamomile flowers. As a result of the comparative study of adhesive and osmotic activity and of biopharmaceutical properties of experimental films of samples, we found that the optimal composition of the dosage form comprises 0.2 g trimecaine; 2.0 g of sodium carboxymethylcellulose; 2.0 g of gelatin; 2.0 g of polyethylene oxide-600; 0.01 g of sodium benzoate and aqueous extract of Chamomile flowers to 100.0 g.

Conclusions. Was developed the composition and technology of dental films with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory action, to be used in children, containing trimecaine and aqueous extract of Chamomile flowers.


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How to Cite

Sampiev AM, Bespalova AV, Nikiforova EB. Development of composition and technology of children’s dental films with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory activity. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Oct.17 [cited 2025Feb.23];(5). Available from:



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