Dynamics of α-D-mannose carbohydrate-binding sites distribution in rats’ pancreatic structures during the morpho-functional formation


  • N. V. Hrinivetska Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrainе,
  • Yu. A. Burega Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrainе,
  • I. M. Maslova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrainе,




pancreas, rats, antigen, carbohydrates, mannose


Recently, the pathology of pancreas in children is observed more frequently. Precursors of inflammation development in pancreas are dysfunctional disorders, which include conditions accompanied by changes in pancreatic secretion in the absence of morphological abnormalities. The pancreas is especially sensitive to irritants in the antenatal period of development and during its morpho-functional formation. Placental function insufficiency and prenatal effects of various pathogens on the fetus can cause abnormalities of morphogenesis. The above determines the relevance of the study, which allows ascertaining the features of the fetus pancreas formation in conditions of antigenic nature substances action.

The aim – to study the dynamics of α-D-Mannose carbohydrate-binding sites distribution in rats’ pancreatic structures during the morpho-functional formation, using lectin histochemistry analysis.

Material and мethods. Research was conducted on pancreases of white laboratory rats from the day of birth to ninety days of postnatal development. The experimental group of rats was injected intrafetal with an antigenic solution subcutaneously in the interscapular region. Detection of carbohydrate residues of α-D-Mannose was carried out by lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA), which conjugated with horseradish peroxidase.

Results. Antigenic action in the antenatal period results to decrease in density of α-D-Mannose residues in pancreatic structures from the first to the third day of postnatal life. From the seventh day and until the fourteenth day the density of LCA receptors in experimental group has increased. From the twenty first until ninetieth days of life the distribution of carbohydrate receptors to LCA in the experimental group was not differ from the control and intact group.

Conclusions. The increase in density of carbohydrate residues of α-D-Mannose in pancreatic structures in early postnatal period is the sign of immaturity, which may have the direct effect on secretory activity of organ.


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How to Cite

Hrinivetska NV, Burega YA, Maslova IM. Dynamics of α-D-mannose carbohydrate-binding sites distribution in rats’ pancreatic structures during the morpho-functional formation. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Nov.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];(6). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/114718



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