Prostaglandins - universal biological regulators in the human body (literature review)


  • О. V. Tymoshchuk HEI “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”, Ukraine,
  • І. S. Lembryk HEI “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”, Ukraine,
  • Z. R. Кocherga HEI “Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University”, Ukraine,



prostaglandins, eicosanoids, cyclooxygenase, cytoprotection, inflammation


Recently, researchers of different industries pay great attention to the problem of prostaglandins.

Objective: to study and systematize the basic questions of structure, biological action and metabolism of prostaglandins in the human body and using their analogues in pharmacy through the domestic and foreign literature data analysis.

Prostaglandins – biologically active substances which are similar in effect to hormones, but are synthesized in cells of different tissues. Prostaglandins as universal cellular mediators are widely distributed in the body, synthesized in small amounts in almost all tissues, have both local and systemic effects. For each prostaglandin there is a target organ. On chemical structure they are small molecules related to eicosanoids - a group of fat-like substances (lipids). Depending on the chemical structure prostaglandins are divided into series (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J) and three groups (1–3); type F isomers are to be indicated by additional letters α and β.

Prostaglandins have an extremely wide range of physiological effects in the body and have three main functions: supporting, molecular, neurotransmitter. Most prostaglandins interact with specific receptors of plasma membranes, but some prostaglandins (group A) can act without receptors. There is no stock of prostaglandins in the body, their life cycle is short, and they are quickly produced in response to biological stimulants exposure, have their effect in extremely small quantity and are rapidly inactivated in the bloodstream. Due to the extremely rapid breakdown of prostaglandins in the body they work near their place of secretion. Preparations of prostaglandins and their derivatives are used in experimental and clinical medicine for abortion and induction of labor, treatment of stomach ulcers, asthma, certain heart diseases, congenital heart defects in newborns, glaucoma, atherosclerosis, rheumatic and neurological diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, and hemostasis correction as anticoagulants during surgery with extracorporeal circulation, as well as hemodialysis.

Conclusions. Prostaglandins are the most active universal nutrients in the human body with an extremely wide range of physiological effects. They have both local and systemic effects, act via various ways, their receptors are present in almost all organs of the human body, and each prostaglandin has a target organ. These properties of prostaglandins appear in their wide use in medicine and pharmacy. Despite intensive research in this field, the scientists have still a lot of questions about the mechanisms of action, prostaglandins and their analogues role in human organism.


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How to Cite

Tymoshchuk ОV, Lembryk ІS, Кocherga ZR. Prostaglandins - universal biological regulators in the human body (literature review). Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(1). Available from:


