Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene: application possibilities in medicine and sports cardiology (literature review)


  • S. M. Malakhova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



angiotensin converting enzyme gene, genetic polymorphism, sports medicine


Aim. Formation of modern ideas about the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphism on the functioning of various body systems including in athletes.

Methods of research. Analysis and synthesis of the modern scientific literature data.

Results. According to modern ideas of sport molecular genetics, individual differences in the expression degree of certain physical and mental qualities of a person are largely determined by DNA-polymorphisms.

Specific features of angiotensin converting enzyme I/D gene polymorphism influence on life-supporting systems functioning of human, who do not engage in sports, have been revealed. This polymorphism is widely covered by professional athletes from the point of view of physical qualities development possibility, but at the same time, the risk of pathological conditions development, taking into account regular intensive physical exertion, has not sufficiently studied. Knowledge of the innate personal physical abilities will help to predict the strengths and weaknesses of a person's physical and adaptive capabilities and, accordingly, to make a timely correct prognosis for personal sports prospects and carry out competent selection of athletes. This approach will allow them to progress quickly and achieve high results in sport.

Conclusions. A feature of genetic markers that do not change throughout life is the possibility of their determination immediately after child’s birth, thus, the prognosis for indicators development that are significant in the conditions of sport activities can be made much earlier.

In the available to us literature, ACE I/D gene polymorphism is primarily evaluated from the perspective of speed-strength development of physical qualities, but at the same time, genetic testing of beginner athletes should allow us to identify a risk group relatively to a number of pathological conditions progression that are genetically determined.

Thus, despite numerous studies that allow an assessment of ACE gene polymorphism contribution to the life-supporting organs and systems state, the role of the ACE gene remains being insufficiently studied in sports medicine.


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How to Cite

Malakhova SM. Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene: application possibilities in medicine and sports cardiology (literature review). Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(1). Available from:


