Etiopathogenetic rationale usage of treatment-and-prophylactic complex in patients suffering from chronic herpetic infection, who need dental implantation


  • Yu. G. Romanova Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine,
  • A. V. Bida Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine,



herpes simplex, herpetic stomatitis, oral liquid, biochemical markers, therapeutic and preventive complex, dental implantation


The purpose of this work - evaluation of clinical efficacy of treatment-and-prophylactic complex in patients with chronic herpetic infection who need dental implantation.

Materials and methods. A group of patients consisted from 35 people with persistent chronic herpes infection who need dental implantation was examined in dynamics of treatment-and-prophylactic complex using (Amyksyn®ІC drug for prevention scheme (according to the manual) before implants placement and the preparation with antioxidant activity Quertulin according to the scheme of treatment postoperatively).

Results. Patients in the main group demonstrated a decrease in the inflammatory process activity and the local immune response improvement. On the 7th day after implantation the activity of catalase increased by 32.1% compared to the initial indices, on the 21st day after the implantation - it reached the level of the control group. Elastase activity decreased on the 7th day in 2.4 times, on the 21st day – in 7.1 times as much as compared to the rate before the start of the complex usage. Lysozyme activity decreased on the 7th day by 60.3%, on the 21st day — in 2 times. Urease activity decreased on the 7th day by 47.9%, on the 21st day - by 77.1% and reached the level of the control group. The level of malonic dialdehyde decreased on the 7th day by 40.0%, on the 21st day - by 63.1% as compared with the control. AP-index reached the level of the control group by the 21st day after implantation. Glycoproteins and sialic acids levels decreased as compared to the rate before the use already on the 7th day by 21.9 and 21.0% respectively; on the 21st day the parameters reached the level of the control group. The content of IL-1 and IL-6 are significantly reduced on the 7th day by 52.9 and 29.0%, on the 21st day - by 62.2 and 31.8% as compared to the control group. IL-4 level increased on the 7th day of treatment by 23.2% and by 60.7% - on the 21st day after implantation.

Conclusions. The dynamics of oral liquid biochemical parameters of people with persistent chronic herpes infection during dental implantation indicates proper efficiency of the treatment and prophylactic complex. Positive changes can be explained by synergy effects of drugs, which are able to significantly reduce inflammatory markers and the level of enzyme activity, which reflect the degree of bacterial contamination and antioxidant status of oral fluid, and are able to increase the activity of non-specific immune and antioxidant protection.


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How to Cite

Romanova YG, Bida AV. Etiopathogenetic rationale usage of treatment-and-prophylactic complex in patients suffering from chronic herpetic infection, who need dental implantation. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(1). Available from:



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