The influence of combined antioxidants usage on periodontal pathology in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome


  • Yu. G. Romanova Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine,
  • S. V. Dizik Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine,



polycystic ovarian syndrome, periodontitis, oral liquid, biochemical markers, therapeutic and preventive complex, antioxidants


The purpose of this work was to assess the features of biochemical markers changes in women with periodontal pathology associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome using optimal management of chronic generalized periodontitis prevention and treatment.

Materials and methods. There were examined two groups of 25 women each in the course of moderate severity chronic generalized periodontitis associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome. The control group consisted of 25 women. The treatment-and-prophylactic complex (locally – mouthwash “Biodent-4” and mucosal gel “EKSO”, orally – an amaranth oil-based drug and tablets “EKSO”) was used in the first group; only conventional treatment was used in the second group.

Results. In the first group urease activity decreased by 36.0 % after a month of treatment, in 6 months - by 46.0 %, in 12 months - by 62.4 %; lysozyme increased within 1 month by 40.5 %, in 6 months – by 52.4 %, in 12 months – by 53.6 %, diene conjugates in 1 month – by 32.0 %, in 6 months – by 43.5 %, in 12 months – by 42,8 %; malondialdehyde in 1 month by 31.7 %, in 6 months – by 43.9 %, in 12 months – by 42.6 %. Catalase increased in 1 month by 40.0 %, in 6 months – by 52.0 %, in 12 months – by 62.0 %. In the second group urease activity decreased by 12.6 % in 1 month, in 6 months – by 25.3 %, in 1 year – by 34.2 %. The level of diene conjugates decreased in 6 months by 22.3 %, in 12 months – by 24.8 %. Activity of superoxide dismutase decreased in 1 month by 20.0 %, in 6 months – by 22.6 %, in 12 months – by 27.8 %, glutathione peroxidase in 6 months – by 28.9 %, in 12 – by 26.3 %, catalase and lysozyme increased in 12 months by 36.7 and 30.5 %, respectively.

Conclusions. The oral fluid biochemical parameters dynamics in women with moderate severity chronic generalized periodontitis associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome evidences the high efficiency of the prophylactic and therapeutic complex. Positive changes in the periodontal status of patients can be explained by a decrease in the intensity of lipid peroxidation, an inflammatory response, and activation of antioxidant protection in the oral cavity.



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How to Cite

Romanova YG, Dizik SV. The influence of combined antioxidants usage on periodontal pathology in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Mar.7 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(2). Available from:



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