Indicators of phagocytic activity, autosensibilization and purine metabolism in patients with pneumoconiosis


  • S. S. Boieva Donetsk National Medical University, Kramatorsk, Ukraine,
  • О. A. Raksha-Sliusareva Donetsk National Medical University, Kramatorsk, Ukraine,
  • O. A. Sliusarev Donetsk National Medical University, Kramatorsk, Ukraine,



silicosis, pneumoconiosis, autoimmunity, phagocytosis, xanthine oxidase, uric acid


The purpose of the work is to detect changes in the nonspecific component of resistance as well as to ascertain the probable presence of autoimmune reactions and disturbances of purine metabolism in miners of coal mines suffering from pneumoconiosis.

Materials and methods. 120 coal-miners with pneumoconiosis and 30 healthy miners were examined. The status of nonspecific body resistance was defined by indicators of phagocytic activity (phagocytes relative content, phagocytic number, phagocytic index), bactericidal activity in the spontaneous nitro blue tetrazolium test (NST-tests). The presence and severity of autoimmune processes were determined by the presence and level of circulating immune complexes, autosensibilization to lungs tissue, thymus, joint tissue, kidneys, nDNA and dDNA by passive haemaglutination test. Purine metabolism state was assessed by measuring of xanthine oxidase activity and uric acid level.

Results. Among coal-miners with pneumoconiosis the significant changes in the indicators of cellular and humoral immune responses have been revealed, in particular a reduction of spontaneous and reserve neutrophil phagocytic capacity as evidenced by marked and significant decrease in capable of ingesting microbial cells neutrophils relative count as well as phagocytic number and phagocytic index. Changes in neutrophils metabolism caused a decrease in neutrophil bactericidal activity in the spontaneous NST-tests and index of their activation; the development of autoimmune processes, which manifested as an increase in the blood serum content of circulating immune complexes, increased body sensibilization to its organs and even to nDNA and dDNA; an increase in xanthine oxidase activity and uric acid level.

Conclusions. The disturbances revealed demonstrated the mechanism of pneumoconiosis development among miners associated with the changes in purine metabolism and autoimmune reactions development against the background of nonspecific resistance system deficiency which reflected in a decrease of peripheral blood neutrophils absorbing and bactericidal capacity and an increase in circulating immune complexes level, which in turn resulted in inflammatory and autoimmune processes intensification.



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How to Cite

Boieva SS, Raksha-Sliusareva ОA, Sliusarev OA. Indicators of phagocytic activity, autosensibilization and purine metabolism in patients with pneumoconiosis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Jul.13 [cited 2025Mar.7];20(4). Available from:



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