Research prevalence of psoriasis in countries and Ukraine


  • А. А. Kotvitska Zaporozhye State Medical University,
  • V. V. Carlo



Introduction. In recent years there was a negative trend growth of dermatological diseases. One of the first places in the practice of dermatology has psoriasis, which today, unfortunately, is not a “disease” but lifelong condition.

Human health is the highest value, and arrangement of conditions for the protection of public health should be a priority of any country. The study of medical-demographic characteristics, tendencies of morbidity and prevalence of diseases, including dermatological profile, patterns of changes above parameters and comparing the finding with the world data is an important part of strategic planning line of development of the public health and pharmaceutical sector of the country.

The aim of this study was an investigation of the prevalence of psoriasis in the world and in Ukraine, it’s analysis taking into account geographical, racial, gender and age characteristics of patients.

Analyses. Content analysis, analytical and statistical methods (analysis of statistical data of the prevalence of psoriasis, analysis of scientific information).

Research results. We have analyzed the prevalence of psoriasis in 18 countries and determined that the average rate of the disease is 2.8%. The study found that the highest prevalence of psoriasis observed in countries such as Germany (up 6.5%), the Netherlands (5%), Norway (up 4.8%), France (up 4.7%), Denmark (up 4.2%).

Statistical data on the prevalence of psoriasis in Ukraine differ significantly from the average for Europe and countries of the world. According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine prevalence of psoriasis in absolute terms in 2009 was 98,544 patients (0.21% of the population) and morbidity – 13,529 persons (0.03% of the population). It should be noted that according to many experts the actual rate of this disease is much higher.

According to unofficial sources in Ukraine with psoriasis suffer about 1.5 million of people (> 3% of the population). This discrepancy compared to the statistics from the Ministry of  Health of Ukraine indicates that the majority of patients seeking treatment for themselves and seek medical attention only at the stage of severe disease.

Deficiency of a representative statistics and the national registry of patients with psoriasis, and low awareness raising among the population, including coverage in a media, risk of a disability in the absence of adequate and timely treatment, led to the fact that at present psoriasis remains a significant medical and social problem, inspite of presence of the various drugs and treatments.


1. The analysis of the prevalence of psoriasis in the world suggests that psoriasis may be called disease-cosmopolitan, given that it occurs in all countries with varying prevalence. The highest percentage of patients was found in Northern and Western Europe (Germany – to 6.5%, France – to 4.7%). The prevalence of the disease in Asia is lower (China – 0.05-1.23%, Japan – 0.29-1.18%).

2. It have been defined the key factors influencing the identification of patients, namely: financing of the public health; compliance with international standards of good practice (including GPP); availability of health insurance that provides access to medical and pharmaceutical care, and rational use of drugs, based on the principles of pharmacoeconomics.

3. A discrepancy between the official and the actual data of the prevalence of psoriasis in Ukraine has been noted. It has been paid attention to the poor level of the medical care organization for patients with psoriasis in our country. The main directions of solving the problem of psoriasis and prevention of its complicated forms have been identified.

Key words: psoriasis, psoriatic disease, statistical data, prevalence, gender-age features.

Author Biographies

А. А. Kotvitska, Zaporozhye State Medical University

д. фарм. н., професор, зав. каф. соціальної фармації, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи (ступеневої фармацевтичної освіти) НФаУ

V. V. Carlo

аспірант без відриву від виробництва кафедри соціальної фармації НФаУ, директор Смілянського комунального підприємства «Лікарняна аптека»



How to Cite

Kotvitska АА, Carlo VV. Research prevalence of psoriasis in countries and Ukraine. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Jun.13 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(3). Available from:



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