The role of motivation of students career in surgery in the cycle «general surgery»


  • А. V. Kapshytar



At all times, a high degree of motivation for the choice of the medical profession, was a determining factor for the income and education in medical school of III-IV accreditation levels [1, 2, 5, 6, 9]. Many young people even at the pre-university stage, decided to dedicate their lives surgery [3, 4, 8, 9]. Getting practice in the surgical clinic at the famous and well-known professors is additional motivation for the students to choose surgeon path [2 - 4, 10].

Purpose: to study the motives for surgeon career choices by III year students in the cycle «General Surgery».

Material and methods. The important role of the teacher in the department of General surgery and patient care ZSMU to awake and motivate student to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the surgery. Students who passed the theoretical departments have onlytheoretical knowledge of the basic pathological processes and they don’t have experience in working with patients. Many of them are insecure due to the necessity of mastering the wealth of knowledge and responsibility for making decision. Its dramatically reduces the desire to study. In this situation, teacher should identify motivation for the acquisition of basic knowledge in surgery on the practical sessions and lectures.

Results and its discussion. To solve this problem in the surgical department of Community Hospital ‘City Clinical Hospital № 2’ in Zaporozhye survey questionnaires and it’s analysis have been taken place.  It was found that over the past year, a desire to become surgeons was expressed in 26,2% of the students. The key motives for pre-selection of this profession were: presence of family medical dynasties (48,6%), positive experience of treatment by a surgeon in the past (21,1%), positive health education (12,5%). Therefore, most of the students' motivation was found before entering the ZSMU.

At the end of the course ‘general surgery’ none of the students has changed his/her dream and in addition the number of those who wished to become a surgeon has increased by 17.8%, the motive of such decision is personal observations of surgeons in hospital.

There are three most important areas in motivating the choice of profession surgeon.

The first direction, undoubtedly, is study of the history of surgery, both in Ukraine and abroad. Students should be aware of the native scholars of the university, their developments, schools of thought and be proud of their teachers. Issues are considered in lectures and practical classes.

Secondly, students' motivation might be increased by attraction them to participate in bandaging of patients, urgent and elective surgery. An important aspect is the development of medical documentation. They have the ability and skills to work on different aspects of the surgery.

Another important motivation tool is to attract students to the scientific and research work, where they acquire knowledge and improve surgery skills. After discussion and topic of the research planning student will study archival case histories and participate in the diagnostic and therapeutic processes, write a scientific work. Considerable emotional support students achieve when presenting the results of his/her research at the final Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference ZSMU, in scientific publications, which increases the desire for further improvement, increases the qualitative aspect of motivation.

Conclusions. Nowadays, 26,2% of 3rd year students have expressed their desire to become a surgeon. Their motivation for this choice of profession is mostly determined before entering ZSMU. The popularity of the chief of the surgical department proves the rightness of student’s choice of career.

Key words: surgeon's choice of profession, motivation of students, cycle “General Surgery”

Author Biography

А. V. Kapshytar

д. мед. н., профессор каф. общей хирургии и ухода за больными ЗГМУ



How to Cite

Kapshytar АV. The role of motivation of students career in surgery in the cycle «general surgery». Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Jun.14 [cited 2024Oct.25];15(3). Available from:



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