Features of the vegetative state and arterial pressure level in children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology


  • T. M. Mikhieieva Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • D. Yu. Nechytailo Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • V. V. Poniuk Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,
  • T. P. Fomina Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine,




children, arterial pressure, autonomic diseases, hypertrophic gastritis


The vegetative dysfunction, having been present since childhood, becomes a premorbid abnormality and harbinger of many diseases. Given the increased frequency of vegetative dysfunction recent years, there is a need to study this problem.

The aim was to study the autonomic nervous system state and arterial pressure level in children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology.

Materials and methods. 80 school-age children, residents of the Chernivtsi region and city Chernivtsi were examined. The main group consisted of 40 children receiving inpatient treatment for chronic gastroduodenal pathology and high blood pressure in the gastroenterological department of the City Children Clinical Hospital. The control group consisted of 40 clinically healthy schoolchildren. The autonomic nervous system state was evaluated using the Wayne questionnaire.

Results. When assessing the blood pressure level relied on the percentile tables, 11 (27.5%) schoolchildren of the main group had high normal blood pressure in. Children of the control group were not diagnosed with high normal blood pressure.

The autonomic nervous system state assessment through the Wayne questionnaire revealed autonomic dysfunction in 32 children (80 %) from the main group in contrast to the control group children – 4 (10 %), P < 0.05.

After the Kerdo index estimation in the main group children the sympathetic tone of the vegetative system prevalence was found in 76.6 % of cases against 4.6 % in the control group and eutonia was observed significantly less – in 8.4 % of children against 81.0 % in the control group.

Conclusions. The assessment of the autonomic nervous system state in children of the main group has revealed autonomic dysfunction and increased blood pressure levels which occurred significantly more frequently than in the control group that could be one of their underlying disease manifestations.



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How to Cite

Mikhieieva TM, Nechytailo DY, Poniuk VV, Fomina TP. Features of the vegetative state and arterial pressure level in children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Sep.24 [cited 2025Mar.7];20(5). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/141662



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