Matrix metalloproteinase-8 in early diagnostics of generalized periodontitis


  • O. O. Fastovets State Institution “Dnipropetrovs’k Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Dnipro,
  • A. Yu. Lukash Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



periodontitis, matrix metalloproteinase 8, early diagnosis


The significant prevalence of periodontal diseases on the background of its tendency to increase makes the issue of search for early diagnostic methods and rational preventive therapeutic choice in generalized periodontitis to be topical.

Purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) using for early diagnosis of generalized periodontitis according to the modern literature analysis over the past two years. The review presents data on the biological properties of MMP-8, its role in the processes of collagen destruction and also shows the results of clinical and experimental studies devoted to clarifying the role of MMP-8 in the pathogenesis of generalized periodontitis. It is noted that this enzyme content is indicative of the gums inflammatory process transformation to the alveolar bone destruction; therefore it can be considered as the prognostic marker for generalized periodontitis, even in the absence of pronounced clinical symptoms. Moreover, the increase in MMP-8 activity indicates the aggressive form of the disease requiring specific treatment. Particular attention is given to MMP-8 as the biochemical marker describing the features of generalized periodontitis course, in particular on the background of comorbid diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and in smokers. The relationship between MMP-8 level and other biochemical markers (interleukins, immunoglobulins, prostaglandins) is described in inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of the periodontal tissues. The comparative evaluation of the MMP-8 modern methods of determination effectiveness in various biological fluids has been carried out. Prospects and peculiarities of MMP-8 using in diagnostics and treatment for peri-implantitis, which are similar in pathogenesis to periodontitis, have been defined.

Conclusions. It is worthwhile conducting the further studies of the MMP-8 possible use not only for the early diagnosis of generalized periodontitis, but also for its character prediction in order to develop the personal approach to patient care. Also, further studies in this direction will give an opportunity to move away from ambiguity and inconsistency in literature data and confirm the clinical effectiveness of MMP-8 for practical dentistry.




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How to Cite

Fastovets OO, Lukash AY. Matrix metalloproteinase-8 in early diagnostics of generalized periodontitis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2018Sep.24 [cited 2025Mar.7];20(5). Available from:


