Psychological adaptation and peculiarities of melatonin synthesis in women with infertility of various genesis


  • A. V. Kaminskyi P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv,
  • T. V. Kolomiichenko P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv,



infertility, psychological adaptation, stress, anxiety, depression, melatonin


To improve medical care for families suffering from infertility, a comprehensive approach is needed taking into account the psychoemotional state of a woman and the adaptive capabilities of her body.

Aim. To determine the presence of psychological adaptation disorders and features of melatonin synthesis in women with infertility of various genesis.

Materials and methods. 115 women with infertility (the main group) were under observation. The control group consisted of 90 fertile women who had born children. The presence of sleep disorders (the table by A. M. Veyn), stress level (the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale), state and trait anxiety (the Ch. D. Spielberger Anxiety Scales, Yu. L. Khanin, 1976) and depression (the Beck Depression Scale) were assessed. The determination of melatonin serum level was performed by the method of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Results. Women with infertility are characterized by violations of psychological adaptation, manifested by sleep disorders (67.0 %), increased stress level (47.8 %), increased state anxiety (47.0 %) and depressive states (21.7 %). Significant disorders are observed in women with idiopathic and hormonal infertility, the least pronounced changes – in infertility caused by an immunological factor. Hypomelatoninemia is observed in 36.5 % of women with infertility and in 20.9 % – hypermelatoninemia. Such multidirectional changes indicate desynchronization of melatonin synthesis, and confirm the dysadaptative disorders in infertility. The highest incidence of melatonin secretion abnormalities was observed in hormonal infertility, and the lowest - in immunological infertility. The regulatory role of melatonin in psychological adaptation is confirmed by its level correlation with the corresponding indicators scores: sleep disorders (ρ = -0.51), stress level (ρ = -0.39), state (ρ = -0.37) and trait anxiety (ρ = -0.26), depression level (ρ = 0.22).

Conclusions. A high frequency of psychological dysadaptosis in women with infertility, especially with hormonal and idiopathic infertility, and the regulatory role of melatonin have been revealed, which opens the prospects for psychocorrection methods and therapy with melatonin preparations inclusion in the treatment of infertility.





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How to Cite

Kaminskyi AV, Kolomiichenko TV. Psychological adaptation and peculiarities of melatonin synthesis in women with infertility of various genesis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Feb.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(6). Available from:



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