The role of bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism in obesity treatment: a literature review


  • A. O. Nykonenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • Ye. I. Haidarzhi Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. S. Nykonenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • M. H. Holovko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • A. S. Protsenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



obesity, bariatric surgery, appetite-regulating hormone


The most frequently performed surgical interventions in the treatment of obesity are the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), laparoscopic greater curve plication (LGCP), laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Along with effective weight loss, these operations lead to changes in the production of appetite-related hormones that play an important role in the endocrine regulation of energy metabolism.

Our aim was to learn the role and interaction of the above-mentioned bariatric operations (LSG, LGCP and RYGB) and appetite-related hormones (ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin) metabolism in obesity treatment using scientific literature data with considering famous obesity surgeons’ point of view.

Materials and Methods. The current review was conducted by searching the following databases in Internet: PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar, using combination of keywords for the bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism.

Results. Our review shows that the above-mentioned surgeries (LSG, LGCP, RYGB), aimed to the treatment of obesity, directly lead to a decrease in body mass index and weight loss and, indirectly, through the adipose tissue function, have different significant effects on energy balance and appetite-related hormones levels. The anatomical and physiological changes described in the review are most likely caused by the above-mentioned surgical procedures.

Conclusions. Nowadays LSG, LGCP and RYGB are the most effective operations in obesity treatment with a strong similarity. There is a close interaction between BMI and fat tissue loss, caused by above-mentioned bariatric surgery, with appetite-related hormones levels. However, the surgical effects on this process in each case have been not enough studied and requires further work in this direction.


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How to Cite

Nykonenko AO, Haidarzhi YI, Nykonenko OS, Holovko MH, Protsenko AS. The role of bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism in obesity treatment: a literature review. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Feb.1 [cited 2025Mar.7];20(6). Available from:


