Pulmonary embolism by foreign bodies: a case report


  • M. V. Rudik State Institution "Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine",
  • I. V. Rudik Zaporizhzhіa, Municipal Institution “City Clinical Hospital No. 6”, Ukraine,




pulmonary thromboembolism, nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism, foreign bodies, computed tomography angiography


The problem of pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) continues to be highly relevant, as it remains a complex clinical problem today, in spite of modern diagnostic and treatment methods. According to WHO, PTE is recognized as one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in the world and ranks third after coronary heart disease and brain stroke. Embolism to the pulmonary artery is not always caused by thrombotic masses. There is also a non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism (NTPE), which is defined as embolization to the pulmonary arteries by different types of cells (adipocytes, amniotic, trophoblastic or tumor), fungi, septic and foreign material or air / gases. In our article, the clinical case of embolism to the pulmonary artery by foreign bodies – coils placed in the left spermatic vein for varicocele correction is presented. Despite the significant lesion area, signs of pulmonary hypertension were not revealed. Thus, the rapidly evolving potential of modern interventional medicine requires a doctor to be aware and alert as for a NTPE development. Computed tomographic angiopulmonography with the aid of intravenous contrast enhancement is the main diagnostic method for pulmonary thromboembolism as well as for non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism.




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How to Cite

Rudik MV, Rudik IV. Pulmonary embolism by foreign bodies: a case report. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Feb.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];20(6). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/146784



Case Reports