Changes in the plasma level of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in patients with cranio-cerebral trauma depending on body weight and PAI-1 -675 4G/5G gene polymorphism


  • O. O. Potapov Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • O. P. Kmyta Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Tsyndrenko Sumy Regional Clinical Hospital, Sumy, Ukraine,
  • M. P. Khavro Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • T. V. Bereznyi Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • I. O. Karpeko Medical Institute of Sumy State University, Ukraine,



CCT, PAI-1, the -675 4G/5G polymorphism of PAI-1 gene, obesity


Purpose. To study the association between the plasma level of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) and both body weight and PAI-1 -675 4G/5G gene polymorphism in patients with cranio-cerebral trauma (CCT) over the treatment course.

Materials and methods. The hemostasis system state was analyzed in 200 patients with CCT by studying the association between the plasma level of PAI-1 and both body weight and -675 4G/5G polymorphism of the PAI-1 gene. For statistical processing of the obtained study results, a licensed version of the SPSS STATISTICA 17 program was used. K-means cluster analysis was also performed; the Euclidean distance was used as the distance measure.

Results. Clustering of patients was performed depending on the plasma PAI-1 content on days 1, 7 and 14 after trauma. All patients were distributed into 3 clusters. Thus, the first cluster included patients with the average PAI-1 concentration within the normal range during the study. The second cluster included patients who presented significantly increased PAI-1 concentration at the time of an injury, which tended to decrease rapidly and almost normalized by day 14. The third cluster consisted of patients with significantly increased plasma concentration of PAI-1 following an injury with the tendency to remain at a high level for 14 days. Due to statistical processing of the study results, an association between an increase in PAI-1 level and both the 4G/4G, 4G/5G genotypes and overweight or obesity in patients was found. Increased levels of PAI-1 were observed in overweight or obese patients with the 4G/4G and 4G/5G genotypes over the course of treatment.

Conclusions. The association between both overweight and -675 4G/5G polymorphism of the PAI-1 gene and plasma level of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in patients with traumatic brain injury has been proven.


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How to Cite

Potapov OO, Kmyta OP, Tsyndrenko OO, Khavro MP, Bereznyi TV, Karpeko IO. Changes in the plasma level of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in patients with cranio-cerebral trauma depending on body weight and PAI-1 -675 4G/5G gene polymorphism. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Feb.8 [cited 2025Mar.7];21(1). Available from:



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