Clinical economic analysis as a constituent part of the metabolic syndrome pharmacotherapy optimization


  • M. M. Zayats
  • A. B. Zimenkovskyy



metabolic syndrome, clinical and economic analysis, ABC/VEN analysis, frequency analysis, pharmacotherapy, drugs


The object of the research: complex retrospective clinical economic analysis of the pharmacotherapy of patients with metabolic syndrome at the stage of inpatient care.

Materials of and methods: hospital medical records (lists of drug prescriptions in the amount of 60) concerning patients who received treatment in the in-patient therapeutic department of one of Lviv healthcare institutions in 2011. The methods used for the attaining the aim were as follows: bibliographic, analytic, comparative, pharmacoeconomic analysis.

Results: the results of the held analysis testified that treatment of patients took in general 14,53±3,66 “hospital” days. Summarily for 60 patients were ordered 420 drug prescriptions during the dwell time. Study was  carried out according to the ATC Classification System and gave opportunity to define the main groups of drugs, notably those related to the code C - Cardiovascular system (43,75%) and code A - Alimentary tract and metabolism (38,75%). The results of the next stage of the clinical economic study (ABC/VEN analysis) verified 10491,5 hryvnas (UH) to be spent for carrying out the pharmacotherapy. The group A according to the ABC analysis consisted of 13 drugs for which 79,78% of funds (8368,77 UH) was spent up. Only 2 of the foregoing drugs refer to the basic medication had direct indications for MS. The rest of drugs were prescribed for the correction of the cardiac and endocrine complications and treatment of the concomitant diseases. Carrying out the parallel ABC/VEN analysis testified that group A is compounded of 1 vital, 7 essential and 5 non-essential drugs.

Conclusions: complex retrospective clinical economic analysis can serve the base for the creation of the local drug formularies in cardiologic, therapeutic, endocrine clinics etc. on purpose to rationalize budgetary funds for the MS pharmacotherapy.


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How to Cite

Zayats MM, Zimenkovskyy AB. Clinical economic analysis as a constituent part of the metabolic syndrome pharmacotherapy optimization. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.3 [cited 2025Mar.7];15(4). Available from:



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