Segmentation of the potential consumers of ferric medicines based on data of iron deficiency anemia prevalence


  • Z. N. Mnushko
  • A. A. Valdovskyi



iron deficiency anemia, sickness rate, consumer segmentation, potential consumers


INTRODUCTION. According to WHO 3.6 billion of people on the planet have latent iron deficiency and another 1.8 billion of people suffer from iron deficiency anemia (IDA). According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine information the prevalence and the incidence of iron deficiency anemia is 1163.9 and 404.5 per 100 000 persons, respectively. However, this information is only clinically confirmed cases of IDA. The largest share in the structure of morbidity has the latent iron deficiency, which is characterized by less prominent clinical manifestations. Treatment of IDA aimed not only at addressing anemia as a symptom, but also at the elimination of iron deficiency and replenishment of its reserves in the organism, which can be achieved by taking ferric drugs. Today ferric drugs market is characterized by high leveled competition, stable demand and a wide range of products. Therefore, an important issue in the study of the market is to find the best ways to determining its potential capacity to expand the marketing potential and to provide iron supplementation as many consumers who need treatment and prevention of iron deficiency.

GOAL OF THE STUDY. the segmentation of the population that needs treatment and prevention of iron deficiency on the basis of the etiological factors that cause development of anemia, based on official statistics on morbidity.

MATERIALS AND METODS. According to the standard classification of the iron deficiency we have identified four main groups of etiological factors that lead to the development of IDA: bleeding, iron malabsorption, increased body's need for iron, as well as complicated genesis factors. In order to determine the total number of individual segments we have analyzed the reports of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Health Statistics Centre of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as well as electronic database of medical statistics “Health for All”.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. According to the estimates, the total set of potential users of iron supplements was 18,145,268 people, nearly 53% of who were attributed to a group of people who should get therapy, and the other 47% – preventive care. Major consumer segment were children under 18 years old (13.36% in the medical group and 31.17% in preventive group), patients with chronic kidney disease (30.40%), potential customers who have had operating bleeding (10.56%), cancer patients (3.98%), as well as patients with obstetric bleeding (3.57%). The data is much higher than the official information of the prevalence of IDA among the population of Ukraine, which is associated with the severity of the diagnosis of anemia in patients of different age and gender categories, as well as with various pathological conditions. Also the number of people with low incomes need to be determined, because for this category only low-priced drugs can be available, that can significantly affect subsequent calculations of the potential market capacity of ferric drugs, especially in terms of money.

CONCLUSION. These data suggest a rather large potential market volume of ferric preparations. In this regard, the main future prospects is study iron supplements consumption, finding the most suitable drugs for the iron deficiency treatment in different segments by interviewing doctors for further calculations of potential capasity and potential market of antianemic drugs.


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How to Cite

Mnushko ZN, Valdovskyi AA. Segmentation of the potential consumers of ferric medicines based on data of iron deficiency anemia prevalence. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Sep.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(4). Available from:



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