Diagnosis of oral hygiene status in people of different age groups and with different duration of removable dentures use with the help of a new computer program


  • T. M. Dmytryshyn Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine,




oral hygiene, dentures, age groups, software



Objective of the work was to determine the effectiveness of the proposed oral hygiene (OH) system for patients of different age groups and with different duration of removable dentures use with the help of a computer program for the oral hygiene index assessment.

Materials and methods. The article presents results of the developed index study – an integral index of oral hygiene (IIOH), using a computer program, in 227 patients with removable dentures, aged 35 to 75 years and over. Among them, 112 persons used the common oral hygiene treatment scheme (group I) and 115 – the new one, proposed by us (group II).

Results. In patients of different ages in the 2nd group, a significant decrease in the IIOH after the 1st and 2nd stages of hygienic measures was revealed compared with the initial data by 47.86 %, 42.86 %, 49.19 % and 41.78 %, 37.46 %, 34.85 %, P ≤ 0.05, respectively. At all stages of the proposed hygiene system usage, in patients of group II, there was a significant decrease in IIOH in the range from 1.71 to 2.01 times compared with values of group I individuals. The greatest difference was in patients aged 75 years and over, indicating the need for special attention to oral hygiene for this population. In spite of the OH deterioration with an increase in duration of removable dentures usage, the value of IIOH was significantly lower in patients of group II in comparison to the data of group I both after the first and the second stages of hygienic measures and were within the range of 22.09–36.94 (group I: 32.99–64.82).

Conclusions. By using the computer program for IIOH assessment and the proposed oral hygiene system, the proper oral hygiene (IIOH “good”, “satisfactory”) as well as objective diagnosis of changes has been achieved in persons of the II group.



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How to Cite

Dmytryshyn TM. Diagnosis of oral hygiene status in people of different age groups and with different duration of removable dentures use with the help of a new computer program. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019May31 [cited 2025Mar.9];21(3). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/169196



Original research