Correction of functional capacity of myocardium in arterial hypertension associated with hyperuricemia and poikilocytosis comorbidities


  • Ye. L. Kovalenko Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • O. K. Melekhovets Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • V. F. Orlovskyi Sumy State University, Ukraine,
  • Yu. V. Melekhovets Sumy State University, Ukraine,



arterial hypertension, hyperuricemia, abnormal erythrocytes, left ventricular function, laser therapy


Aim. To study the influence of hyperuricemia (HU) on the functional capacity of the myocardium and erythrocytes morphology in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and to estimate the possibility of their correction using low-level laser therapy (LLLT).

Materials and methods. A total of 82 patients with AH were divided into two groups depending on the level of uric acid (UA): group AH – 40 patients with AH and normal UA level; group HU + AH – 42 patients with AH in combination with HU. Scanning electron microscopy, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and echocardiography were performed. LLLT course was performed for the therapeutic purpose.

Results. A significantly increased degree of poikilocytosis up to 24.4 % of patients in the AH + HU group was caused by HU compared with 17.7 % of patients in the AH group. A moderate direct correlation was established between the level of UA, poikilocytosis and Tei index. After LLLT, poikilocytosis was reduced by 15.1 % in the AH group and by 29.9 % in the AH + HU group. The decrease in UA was 18.7 % in the group AH + HU and 3.9 % in the AH group. The significant unidirectional dynamics of UA indices (Δ% –18.7) and poikilocytosis (Δ% –29.9) in the group AH + HU has proved the role of UA in the development of poikilocytosis.

After the treatment, the mean daily SBP was 8.2–9.0 % decreased in both groups, and Tei index was decreased by 29.3 % in the AH + HU group and by 9.5 % in the AH group.

Conclusions. The use of LILT can significantly reduce the level of UA, degree of poikilocytosis, BP, and thus improve the functional capacity of the left ventricular myocardium in AH patients with hyperuricemia and poikilocytosis comorbidities.




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How to Cite

Kovalenko YL, Melekhovets OK, Orlovskyi VF, Melekhovets YV. Correction of functional capacity of myocardium in arterial hypertension associated with hyperuricemia and poikilocytosis comorbidities. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Jul.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];21(4). Available from:



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