Experimental models of cartilage tissue pathology


  • D. S. Nosivets SI “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Dnipro, Ukraine,




patient simulation, osteoarthritis



The author of the article, based on an analytical review of literature data, attempted to summarize and systematize the methods of osteoarthrosis formation through experimental modeling of cartilage tissue pathology. Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the synovial joints in humans and animals. In humans, osteoarthritis is a common and disabling pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which leads to a serious violation of the quality of life and social maladjustment. The modern concept of this pathology development characterizes this disease as a polyetiological, the appearance and development of which is influenced by both environmental factors and characteristics of an organism. The prevalence and consequences of osteoarthrosis have raised a widespread interest in this disease among a wide range of specialists in various fields, whose studies in their entirety are aimed at resolving issues related to optimizing treatment tactics and improving efficiency and safety, including medical treatment. To study the efficacy and safety of medicinal substances, agents and drugs used to treat osteoarthrosis, animal experimental models are widely used. The development of an experimental model is intended to reproduce the pathological process, which is identical to the disease in humans by its etiological and/or pathogenetic features. The article discusses the main types of experimental models of cartilage tissue pathology, describes various types of experimental animals and some experimental models, attempts to systematize and classify experimental models, characterises the reasons for choosing a rational model. Based on an analytical study of the literature data, the author of the article found that when choosing an experimental model, it is necessary to consider which type of osteoarthrosis is to be obtained: primary (osteoarthrosis, having endogenous – metabolic disturbance) or secondary (post-traumatic). In addition, the choice of the experimental model of the cartilage tissue pathology is influenced by the type, age and physiological condition of the animal used in the experiment, which affects the depth and quality of osteoarthritis reproducibility. In general, the content of the article does not claim to be complete and aims to systematize the existing experimental models of cartilage pathology, as well as to help in choosing the most optimal model and type of experimental animal to recreate the pathological process in osteoarthrosis purely.



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How to Cite

Nosivets DS. Experimental models of cartilage tissue pathology. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Jul.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];21(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/173362


