Complex treatment of patients with vertebral thoracalgia using manual therapy and physical rehabilitation


  • O. A. Koziolkin Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrane,
  • S. O. Miedviedkova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • І. М. Liakhova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • S. M. Malakhovа Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • O. O. Lisova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • О. O. Cherepok Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,



vertebral thoracalgia, manual therapy, physical and rehabilitation medicine



The aim is to increase the effectiveness of complex treatment for patients with vertebral thoracalgia (VT) and muscular-tonic signs using manual therapy and physical rehabilitation in the form of active and passive kinesiotherapy.

Materials and methods. A complex vertebro-neurological examination and treatment of 237 patients with VT with muscular-tonic signs was done. The main group included 165 men (69.6 %), and 72 patients (30.4 %) were in the comparison group. All patients were given a complex therapy in a specialized vertebro-neurological department including drug treatment (according to indications) as well as physical and balneological treatment, acupuncture, mud treatment, hardware underwater stretching of the thoracic spine, various types of massage, etc. Manual therapy (MT) and physical rehabilitation in the form of active and passive kinesiotherapy were included in the complex of therapeutic measures among the patients of the main group.

Results. In patients with VT of the main group, 149 patients (90.4 %) with significant improvement were discharged, and in the comparison group – 45 (62.5 %) patients. Improvement was observed among 9 (5.4 %) patients with VT of the main group, and in 13 patients (18.1 %) of the comparison group. A slight improvement was in 7 (4.2 %) and 9 (12.5 %) patients, respectively. In the main group of patients with VT, there were no individuals without improvement, while in the comparison group there was no improvement in 5 (6.9 %) patients. The average treatment duration of patients in the main group was 13.6 ± 1.5 days, and in the comparison group it was 18.1±1.6 (P < 0.05).

Conclusions. Rehabilitation treatment of patients with VT with muscular-tonic signs should be complex and gradual with the differential use of various methods and ways of rehabilitation therapy. Integrating manual therapy and physical rehabilitation in the form of active and passive kinesiotherapy in the complex rehabilitation for VT patients with muscular-tonic signs contributes to the effectiveness of treatment and more rapid recovery of patients.



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How to Cite

Koziolkin OA, Miedviedkova SO, Liakhova ІМ, Malakhovа SM, Lisova OO, Cherepok ОO. Complex treatment of patients with vertebral thoracalgia using manual therapy and physical rehabilitation. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2019Oct.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];21(5). Available from:



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