Influence of vitamin B12 on homocysteine level in patients with comorbid course of coronary heart disease and gastrointestinal acid-related diseases


  • V. F. Orlovskiy
  • A. V. Zharkova



vitamin B12, homocysteine, ischemic heart disease, acid peptic disease, proton pump inhibitors


Present article is devoted to the study of the correlation between vitamin B12 serum level and hyperhomocysteinaemia. In agreement with the literature, we found signifi cant inverse relationships between vitamin B12 and homocysteine plasma levels. During research it was discovered that the lowest vitamin B12 serum level and the homocysteine serum level have been registrated in patients having associated pathology (ischemic heart disease and acid peptic disease according to long-term proton pump inhibitor use).Evident correlation was shown between that changes and the term of proton pump inhibitor use. Parenteral B12  upplementation reduces circulating homocysteine concentration and decreases risk of coronary events in рatients with comorbidity of ischemic heart disease and acid peptic disease.


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How to Cite

Orlovskiy VF, Zharkova AV. Influence of vitamin B12 on homocysteine level in patients with comorbid course of coronary heart disease and gastrointestinal acid-related diseases. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Oct.22 [cited 2024Dec.20];(6). Available from:



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