Scientific summarizing of the results of expert evaluation of anticancer drugs for the treatment of gastric and colorectal cancer


  • A. S. Nemchenko
  • S. O. Zharkova
  • M. V. Podgaina



anticancer drugs, stomach cancer, rectum cancer, expert evaluation, formular



Introduction. Every year in Ukraine more than 160,000 new cases of cancer are registered, the number of deaths from the disease each year is more than 87,000. Over the last decade in Ukraine gastric cancer have took third place in the structure of cancer incidence among men and fourth in women. At the same time, since 2009, the main cause of adult deaths from malignant tumors in Ukraine is colorectal cancer. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Health under the conditions, the situation in the Ukraine will be continued to 2020. So important is the issue of improving the existing pharmaceutical care for this group of patients.

Thus, the aim of the work was a comprehensive expertise of anticancer drugs for the treatment of cancer patients with abdominal profile.

As a method of research the method of expert evaluation was used (oncologists-chemotherapeutist). The authors had developed an algorithm for expert evaluation of anticancer drugs used in pathogenetic therapy of stomach cancer and colorectal (rectal) cancer.

Questionnaire for oncologists was designed by researchers of Organization and economy of pharmacy department led by professor Nemchenko A.S. and successfully used in conducting of fundamental researches from 1998;  questionnaire proposed to assess 48 anticancer drugs.

The study was carried out in eight basic regions in which structure of morbidity corresponds to the general structure in the country. Previously the coefficient of competence of each expert have been calculated. For further research authors used questionnaires of the experts with very high, high and sufficient competence, accounting for nearly 65% of the questionnaires.

Tothe high-level group of drugs experts allocated 24 anticancer medicines, corresponding to 8 INN, in group of middle- experts identified 16 anticancer medicines or 9 INN. Thus, 80% of the researched medicines were recommended by experts or inclused in the formulary lists for treatment stomach and rectal cancer.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, in general, the recommended list of the drugs mainly corresponded to the current state protocols of treatment of patients with stomach and rectal cancer.



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How to Cite

Nemchenko AS, Zharkova SO, Podgaina MV. Scientific summarizing of the results of expert evaluation of anticancer drugs for the treatment of gastric and colorectal cancer. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Nov.13 [cited 2024Oct.25];15(5). Available from:



Problems of pharmacy