Assessment of prescription sales in Ukraine


  • N. V. Teterich
  • L. V. Tereshchenko



medicines, prescription, self-treatment, obligatory medical insurance, recipes, recipes for International Non-proprietary Name


Currently, the state of the national health system (health) is characterized by a low level of funding for medical and pharmaceutical care and the lack of effective methods of free and preferential dispensing of medicines (drugs) and compensation of their value.  Thus the most urgent problem arises is unregulated drugs prescription, which is one of the main negative factors behind the rapid spread of self-medication and polypragmasy.

Thus, improving drugs prescription dispensing is one of the current challenges of medicine and pharmacy management which should be solved to provide a safe, rational and effective drug therapy.

The results of the questionnaire survey of doctors and pharmaceutical workers identified and explored key factors that contribute to a violation of drugs prescription.

The authors analyzed the literature on the current state of drugs prescription in Ukraine, which resulted in selected priority issues that need resolution as soon as possible. Established that the main disadvantages of the national health care system is unreasonable approach to state regulation of the relevant system and the low level of funding. This situation prevents rational regulation of free and preferential delivery of drugs, the introduction of obligatory medical insurance and the reimbursement cost of drugs and other modern approaches that are effective in developed countries.

Тhe main motive of view of legislative acts to implement strict drugs prescription in Ukraine is a link to international experience, guided by the standards of European and international practices that do not comply with the Law of Ukraine issued on 18.03.2004 № 1629-IV «On the National Program for Adaptation of Ukraine to the European Union, "and points to the disparity modern domestic rule-making European practice. The fundamental problem here is the comparison of the legal, social, financial and economic status of the counter in Ukraine with the countries in which the system of local government regulation of the drugs cost.

The results of the study identified the main directions of improvement of medicines prescription in Ukraine. The major factors of modern problems with drugs prescription include lack of prescription forms F-1. According to respondents thought one of the main directions of reforming the national health care system should be the implementation of local governmental and insurance recipes that will counter the financial status of the document and at the same time effectively solve the problem of drugs prescription.

The investigation identified the main directions for improvement of drugs prescription:

• Development and installation authority of Health Management Ukraine at all levels to ensure the prescription forms for hospitals in sufficient quantities;

• continuous monitoring of the implementation of these powers in the regional offices of health care.


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How to Cite

Teterich NV, Tereshchenko LV. Assessment of prescription sales in Ukraine. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Nov.13 [cited 2025Feb.10];15(5). Available from:



Problems of pharmacy