Characteristics of autonomic maintenance of central hemodynamics and physical working capacity in highly qualified sprint swimmers


  • Ye. L. Mykhaliuk Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • M. S. Potapenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine,
  • Ye. Yu. Horokhovskyi Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine,
  • L. M. Hunina Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv,
  • R. V. Holovashchenko National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin,



swimming, heart rate variability, central hemodynamics, physical working capacity, correlation data



The objective of the study was to analyze the features of the autonomic maintenance of central hemodynamics and physical efficiency in high-class sprint swimmers in the distance from 50 to200 meters.

Materials and methods. The study compared indicators of the heart rate variability, central hemodynamic and physical working capacity in sprint swimmers with the following qualifications: Master of Sports, Master of Sports of International Class (n = 36), Candidate Master of Sports and first-class sportsman (n = 50).

Results. It has been shown that Masters of Sports and Masters of Sports of International Class in swimming are significantly older, have longer swimming experience, higher body height and weight, greater relative indices of the physical working capacity and lower heart rate in comparison with the Candidate Master of Sports and first-class sportsmen. A tendency to the prevalence of swimmers with hyperkinetic blood circulation and vagotonia has been noted.



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How to Cite

Mykhaliuk YL, Potapenko MS, Horokhovskyi YY, Hunina LM, Holovashchenko RV. Characteristics of autonomic maintenance of central hemodynamics and physical working capacity in highly qualified sprint swimmers. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Apr.13 [cited 2024Oct.25];22(2). Available from:



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