Pharmacoepidemiological Beta-blockers consumer research in Ukraine


  • O. Ya. Mishchenko
  • V. Yu. Adonkina
  • I. V. Chynush



бета-блокаторы, артериальная гипертензия, потребление, АТС/DDD-методология


In this article the results of study of the β-adrenoblockers consumption taking into concideration three parameters - the number of sold packages, money equivalent and the DDDs/1000/d - are given. By the number of sold packages the consumption of β-adrenoblockers is varied slightly during
2008-2010.As for DDDs/1000/d - the part of β-blockers in total consumption of the fi rst line antihypertensive drugs in Ukraine is more than 16% and it is comparable to that in the European countries. For last years the consumption of the most safe selective β1-adrenoblockers has been increasing compared with non-selective drugs, but the consumption of “new” products with strong vasodilating properties (carvedilol and nebivolol) is low.


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How to Cite

Mishchenko OY, Adonkina VY, Chynush IV. Pharmacoepidemiological Beta-blockers consumer research in Ukraine. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2013Oct.22 [cited 2025Feb.23];(6). Available from:



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