Clinical, instrumental and morphological parallels in combination of chronic gastroduodenitis and primary hypertension in children




gastritis, duodenitis, hypertension, children, morphological study



The aim: to provide clinical and instrumental characteristics and to evaluate the morphological changes of the stomach and duodenum mucous membrane in children with comorbidity of chronic gastroduodenitis (HGD) and primary hypertension (PH).

Materials and methods. 102 children aged 9–17 years with HGD and PH were examined. The first group consisted of 47 children with a combination of HGD and PН, the second group – 55 children with HGD and normal arterial pressure. Morphological study of biopsy specimens of the stomach and duodenum mucous membrane (MM) was performed in 33 children.

Results. Gastroduodenoscopy showed an erythematous gastroduodenopathy in 57.4 % of children in group І and 60.0 % of children in group ІІ (P = 0.79), hypertrophic changes in the stomach and duodenal ММ – in 6.4 % of children in group І and 12.7 % of children in group II (P = 0.28), subatrophy – in 10.6 % of children in group І and 14.5 % of children in group II (P = 0.56), erosion – in 25.5 % of children in group І and 12.7 % of children in group ІІ (P = 0.1), motor-evacuation disorders – in 63.8 % of children in group І and 41.8 % of children in group ІІ (Р = 0.03). Unlike this data, the morphological study of the MM biopsy revealed a statistically significant difference in microcirculatory disturbances in the MM, namely plethora was detected in 81.3 % of children in group I and 52.9 % of children in group II (P = 0.02), severe edema was observed in 75.0 % of children in group I and 41.2 % of children in group II (P = 0.049), hemorrhages in the lamina propria – in 62.5 % of children in group I and 23.5 % of children in group II (P = 0.02), microtrombosis – in 37.5 % of children in group I and 5.9 % of children in group II (P = 0.03), as well as concerning destructive changes in the MM: micro-erosion were found in 56.3 % of children in group I and 17.6 % of children in group II (Р = 0.02), erosion – in 43.8 % of children in group І and 11.8 % of children in group II (P = 0.04).

Conclusions. The combined course of HGD and PH in children is characterized by more frequent motor-evacuation and microcirculatory disorders (plethora, severe edema, hemorrhages in the lamina propria, microtrombosis), as well as more pronounced erosive changes in the MM as compared to an isolated course of HGD.


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How to Cite

Marushko YV, Zlobynets AS, Hychka SH, Hyshchak TV, Khomych OV, Hrynevych IV. Clinical, instrumental and morphological parallels in combination of chronic gastroduodenitis and primary hypertension in children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Jun.10 [cited 2025Mar.9];22(3). Available from:



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