Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children


  • A. G. Zaporozhchenko Zaporozhye state medical university,
  • A. E. Solovjov Zaporozhye state medical university,
  • A. P. Gladkyy
  • O. V. Spakhi



лапароскопическая холецистэктомия, дети, калькулезный холецистит


Introduction. laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the “gold standard” of the calculous cholecystitis treatment, opening absolutely new stage.

High efficiency of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy at adult patients is well known, undoubtedly, opportunities of application of this low-invasive technology in surgical treatment of calculous cholecystitis in children are still not well established in Ukraine.

Research objective. Analysis of efficiency of use of laparoscopic equipment in surgical treatment of calculous cholecystitis in children was made.

Material and research methods. 67 patients age from 2 till 17 years with calculous cholecystitis were made two types of operation: laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. 53(79%) of them were girls, 14 (21%) – boys. Depending on nature of surgery all children were divided into 2 groups statistically uniform in age. The I group included 54 patients who were laparoscopic cholecystectomy made, the II group (control) included 13 patients in whom cholecystectomy were made in the open way.

Results of research showed that duration of laparoscopic intervention significantly (р≤0,05) is lower than duration of open operation. It is associated not only with experience of surgeons, but also with features of the laparoscopic equipment. Use of monopolar coagulator promotes minitraumatic allocation from solderings of a gall bladder, his neck and blood vessels.

Conclusions. 1 . Use of laparoscopic equipment for surgical treatment of cholelithic illness in children taking into account anatomic and physiological features. Gives excellent cosmetic effect, allows to reduce surgery duration, considerably to facilitate a current of the early postoperative period, provides essential economic effect at the expense of postoperative rehabilitation of patients.

2. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is operation of a choice in surgical treatment of children with chronic calculous cholecystitis.

Author Biography

A. E. Solovjov, Zaporozhye state medical university

Chair of children's surgery and anesthesiology


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How to Cite

Zaporozhchenko AG, Solovjov AE, Gladkyy AP, Spakhi OV. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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