
  • Аlmochаmаd Guмаа Аbdullах Zaporozhye State Medical University,
  • V. V. Gladyishev Zaporozhye State Medical University,
  • B. S. Burlaka Zaporozhye State Medical University,
  • N. N. Маlеckiy Zaporozhye State Medical University,



captopril, thixotropy, «mechanical stability»


The aim of this work was to study properties of ACE inhibitor captopril semisolid dosage form which was developed on the department of technology of medication in Zaporozhye State Medical University. The complex of physico-chemical, pharmacotechnological and microbiological methods was used. As an object of study 2,5% captopril nasal dosage form on the proxanol glycerogel and the base alone were used. Study of structural-mechanical characteristics of compositions was done with the rotary viscosimeter «Reotest-2» with cylindrical arrangement.

Ascertainment of the dependence of effective viscosity value from displacement rate for 2,5% captopril nasal gel and its base presented that tangent tension of captopril nasal gel and its base increases with growth of deformity rate. Viscosity of compositions falls with growth of displacement rate. Such dependence indicates presence of structure in studying systems. Constructed flowing curves indicate that flow begins not instantly but after some effort for breaking structure. In period of decreasing tension viscosity of system restores. That fact confirms plastico-viscous  and thixotropic properties of 2,5% captopril nasal gel and its base.

It was determined that «mechanical stability» of 2,5% captopril nasal gel is 1,39 and its base is 1,43. That fact also confirms high thixotropic properties of compositions and allows to provide complete restoration of structures after applying tension at the period of technological process of manufacturing. Insignificant difference of «mechanical stability» for 2,5% captopril nasal gel and its base presents lack of  interactions between active substance and the base. Reogram of 2,5% captopril nasal gel flowing is fully situated within the reological optimum of ointment consistence limits. That fact indicates high consistent properties. Factors of dynamic flowing for gel (Кd1= 38,45%; Kd2=76,48%) quantitatively confirm sufficient degree of distribution at the time of spreading composition on the nasal mucous membrane or technological operations of manufacturing.



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How to Cite

Аbdullах АG, Gladyishev VV, Burlaka BS, Маlеckiy NN. STUDY OF REOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CAPTOPRIL NASAL DOSAGE FORM. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jan.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];15(6). Available from:



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