Clinical and psychological aspects of pregnancy and features of the course of labor in women with different types of psychological component of gestational dominant




pregnancy, psycho-emotional state



The aim of the work is to study and analyze the clinical and psychological aspects of pregnancy and features of the course of labor in women with different types of psychological component of gestational dominant (PCGD).

Materials and methods. The study involved 126 pregnant women. At the first stage of the study (27–28 weeks’ gestation), a clinical and psychological study was conducted using specially selected psychodiagnostic methods and techniques. At the second stage (postpartum period), a retrospective analysis of the relevant medical documentation was carried out.

Results. It was found that the vast majority of pregnant women with optimal, euphoric and mixed types of PCGD had a moderate level of anxiety, low level of psycho-emotional stress with well-being, increased activity and positive mood (Р ˂ 0.01) in comparison to pregnant women with anxious, depressive and hypogestognostic types of PCGD. Women with anxiety, depressive and hypogestognostic types of PCGD were dominated by destructive motivations towards pregnancy maintenance and the situation of impending motherhood, which can be a major impediment to the process of further formation of adequate maternal dominance.

An analysis of the clinical course of labor showed the most favorable conditions for its course in women with optimal and mixed types PCGD; the greatest number of complications was identified in women with hypogestognostic, depressive and anxious types PCGD that can be regarded as a decrease in the functional capacity of relevant systems and an organism as a whole amid unstable psycho-emotional state. A similar correlation was found when assessing the condition of newborns on the Apgar scale since the highest indicators and the best dynamics occurred in newborns whose mothers were diagnosed with optimal and mixed types of PCGD during pregnancy.

Conclusions. The results obtained indicate the need to organize a comprehensive medical and psychological support for pregnant women, during which a diagnosis of the psycho-emotional state in pregnant women with the detection of PCGD type is binding. This approach would not only help to prevent a number of clinical and psychological problems that may occur in women during pregnancy, but also to allow for the harmonious growth of an intrauterine fetus, effective women’s adaptation to the situation of impending motherhood and the birth of a healthy child.


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How to Cite

Astakhov V, Batsylieva OV, Puz IV. Clinical and psychological aspects of pregnancy and features of the course of labor in women with different types of psychological component of gestational dominant. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];22(5). Available from:



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