Improvement of all-ceramic crowns fixation method with the use of transfer-template construction


  • A. V. Bokoch State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine,
  • M. Yu. Honcharuk-Khomyn State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine,
  • I. V. Penzelyk State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine,



transfer-template, crowns, dental marginal adaptation



Modern practical dentistry still faces the problem regarding accurate fit of non-metallic prosthetic constructions. Such precise fit helps to minimize the effect of micro-leakage in the area of the interface, reduces the risk of decementation and produces more predictable outcomes of crowns functioning.

Aim. To improve the method of step-by-step fixation of all-ceramic crowns in the frontal area of jaws and to analyze its effectiveness through practical testing.

Materials and methods. A transfer template was developed to optimize the process of fixation of all-ceramic crowns. This construction is an analogue of a transparent splint, individualized to the planned aesthetic profile. In order to evaluate the efficiency of transfer-template use during the procedure of single all-ceramic crowns fixation in the frontal area, a comparative analysis of 105 prosthetic constructions functioning outcomes was carried out, 54 (51.43 %) of which were fixed by classical adhesive protocols with the use of brush-holders, and 51 (48.57 %) were fixed with the use of transfer-template. The evaluation of the clinical success of all-ceramic crowns functioning was performed in accordance with the CDA (California Dental Association) criteria system.

Results. The conducted analysis of the data did not reveal statistically significant difference of clinical success indicators for prosthetic constructions functioning both from the point of view of the cumulative criterion of marginal adaptation (P > 0.05) and between separate derivatives of this criterion (excellent – P > 0.05, SCR – P > 0.05, SDIC – P > 0.05, TFAM – P > 0.05) among groups, where ceramic crowns were fixed according to the classic adhesive protocol using brush-holders, and using  transfer-template method.

Conclusions. The proposed design of the developed transfer-template helps to optimize the fixation stage of single all-ceramic crowns in cases of simultaneous cementation of several prosthetic units in the maxillary and mandibular frontal area.


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How to Cite

Bokoch AV, Honcharuk-Khomyn MY, Penzelyk IV. Improvement of all-ceramic crowns fixation method with the use of transfer-template construction. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Dec.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];22(6). Available from:



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