The effectiveness and safety study of topical corticosteroids for psoriasis in adolescent and adult population treatment




psoriasis, topical corticosteroids, life quality



Aim: to determine the efficacy and safety of clobetasol propionate compared with fluticasone propionate in the form of ointment for the treatment of psoriasis patients.

Materials and methods. A total of 65 psoriasis patients were included in the study, 40 healthy individuals were included in the control group, all aged 14 to 65. Psoriasis patients were divided into 2 therapeutic groups: I – received topical treatment with fluticasone propionate; II – with clobetasol propionate. The severity of psoriasis was assessed by BSA and PASI index. Assessment of itching severity was carried out by a ten-point visual analogue scale. The quality of life was assessed according to the Ukrainian version of DLQI questionnaire.

Results. PASI index averaged 16.50 ± 0.65 points, and BSA index was 9.30 ± 0.94 % in the examined patients before the treatment. On average, the DLQI index in patients with psoriasis before the treatment was 13.80 ± 0.27 points. PASI index was lower in psoriasis patients treated with clobetasol propionate compared with the therapeutic group I patients. The ΔPASI indicator (%) at the end of the treatment was significantly lower in patients from the I therapeutic group, compared with the group of patients who used clobetasol propionate for treatment of psoriasis. Patients who used clobetasol propionate had lower scores for pruritus and excoriation at the end of the treatment compared with patients from the I therapeutic group. The DLQI index at the end of the treatment was significantly higher in the I therapeutic group compared with its values in patients who used clobetasol propionate in the complex treatment.

Conclusions. The use of topical corticosteroid clobetasol propionate in the form of ointment is the effective treatment for psoriasis, which causes a rapid regression of psoriatic rashes, a decrease in PASI and BSA indices, a decrease in pruritus and its objective signs, and indirectly improves the quality of life.


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How to Cite

Reznichenko NY, Reznichenko YH. The effectiveness and safety study of topical corticosteroids for psoriasis in adolescent and adult population treatment. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2020Dec.9 [cited 2024Oct.25];22(6). Available from:



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