Combined influence of diabetes mellitus and obesity on left ventricle remodeling in hypertensive patients




essential hypertension, left ventricular remodeling, diabetes mellitus, obesity, myocardial hypertrophy


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and obesity influence on the left ventricular (LV) remodeling peculiarities in hypertensive patients.

Materials and methods. In total, 327 patients, aged 38–74 years, were comprehensively examined. The enrolled patients were divided into 4 groups in dependence of the presence of associated disease: the 1st group – n = 87 hypertensive patients with T2DM combined with obesity, the 2nd group – n = 71 hypertensive patient with T2DM and the 3rd group – n = 65 hypertensive patients with obesity; the comparison group consisted of 74 patients with essential hypertension (EH) but without obesity or diabetes. Echocardiography was performed according to the standard method of H. Feigenbaum to estimate the LV parameters. HbA1c was determined by turbidimetric method. Serum glucose levels were determined by ELISA.

Results. When comparing the three patient groups with those who had only EH, the most significant influence was found in combined influence of T2DM and obesity on the development of unfavorable type of LV remodeling with values of χ2 = 29.371 and Pearson's contingency coefficient (C) ‒ 0.393 (P < 0.05). The presence of concomitant T2DM without obesity had a significant moderate relationship with the development of unfavorable LV geometry, χ2 = 11.029 and C ‒ 0.266 (P < 0.05), which indicates a much smaller impact on the process compared to the polymorbid effect of T2DM with obesity. Comparison of patients with a combination of EH and obesity with those who had only EH did not show a significant effect of concomitant obesity on the development of unfavorable types of LV geometry with values of χ2 and C: 0.529 and 0.062, respectively (P > 0.05).

Conclusions. Essential hypertension with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity polymorbidity, but not in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus or obesity alone, has the most significant association with hypertrophic types of LV remodeling. The co-existence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity in hypertensive patients leads to the development of predominantly LV concentric hypertrophy.



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How to Cite

Shelest BO, Kovalova YO, Shelest OM, Rodionova YV, Hilova YV. Combined influence of diabetes mellitus and obesity on left ventricle remodeling in hypertensive patients. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2021Apr.7 [cited 2024Oct.25];23(1):46-51. Available from:



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