Model of complex rehabilitation for patients with a simple form of schizophrenia




rehabilitation, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, schizophrenia, psychiatry


Psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with mental disorders is one of the priority areas of scientific research in modern psychiatric discourse. The key to solving this problem is a multidisciplinary approach, within which it becomes possible to select congruent rehabilitation and psychoeducational techniques, taking into account the clinical and psychopathological content of this nosological form. In this context endogenous procedural mental disorders deserve special attention, as they are characterized by the highest level of social and labor maladjustment.

Aim. To investigate the effectiveness of the developed model of complex psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with schizophrenia.

Materials and methods. On the basis of Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise “Regional Clinical Institution for Provision of Psychiatric Care” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, 80 patients with a simple form of schizophrenia were selected at the outpatient stage of treatment for the purpose of further examination. Clinical diagnostics of the studied mental pathology was carried out in accordance with the differential diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases 10 revision (ICD-10). The inclusion criteria for the study contingent were: informed consent to participate in the study, the absence of severe somatic pathology and information about craniocerebral trauma. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the developed model, the study contingent was randomized into the study group (SG) – 40 patients who received complex therapy within the framework of the developed model of psychosocial rehabilitation, and the comparison group (CG) – 40 patients who received treatment in accordance with the current protocols.

Results. Based on the formed principles of psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with a simple form of schizophrenia, a comprehensive model of psycho-rehabilitation support for this patient contingent was generated including four stages: psychopharmacological, family intervention, cognitive-behavioural and ergotherapeutic.

Analysing the effectiveness of the developed model, statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) were established between the average indicators in the studied groups according to the criteria “socially useful activity, including work and study” (4.18 ± 0.25 and 3.33 ± 0.27 points in SG and CG, respectively) and “relationships with family and other social relations” (4.35 ± 0.24 and 3.60 ± 0.25 points in SG and CG, respectively) in the absence of statistically significant differences in the criteria for “self-care” and “bothering others and aggressive behaviour”.

Conclusions. The effectiveness of the complex model of psychosocial rehabilitation for patients with a simple form of schizophrenia in the areas of socially useful activities (study and work) and social relations was developed and proved, which made it possible to increase the effectiveness of therapy for this contingent of patients.


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How to Cite

Chuhunov VV, Kurylo VO, Pidlubnyi VL, Kanyhina SM. Model of complex rehabilitation for patients with a simple form of schizophrenia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2021Apr.7 [cited 2025Mar.12];23(1):105-10. Available from:



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