Clinical manifestations of Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome on the buccal mucous membrane (a case report)




Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome, mouth, signs and symptoms


Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome is a rare disorder facing dentists in practical activity. That is why the detailed analysis of the disease clinical course peculiarities is important and urgently needed.

The aim of the work: to analyze the clinical course of Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome on the buccal mucous membrane using the example of a patient treatment in the dental clinic Denta Plus (Zhytomyr city).

Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic method (analysis, correlation, comparison, generalization, systematization of scientific literature on the studied issues), system analysis and logical generalization (for developing the algorithm of diagnostics and treatment), medical documentation analysis of the patient, who sought medical assistance in the dental clinic Denta Plus, were used.

Results. The clinical course of Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome on the buccal mucous membrane was described and analyzed. The conducted diagnostic methods allowed to determine the diagnosis, to develop and to apply the complex drug therapy that positively influenced the general well-being, promoted the transformation of erosive-ulcerous form of lichen planus into less aggressive and safer exudative-hyperaemic one. The difficulties during the diagnostic and differential diagnostic stages concerned the fact that typical skin lesions were not observed and the “fern pattern” on the buccal mucous membrane (within the period of exacerbation) was not clear. Besides, the patient did not have any complaints specific to diabetes mellitus, therefore a blood glucose level and glycemic profile were determined only in the process of case follow-up, the patient was further referred to an endocrinologist, who diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Conclusions. The described case of Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome allowed to analyze the clinical course of the disease in the oral cavity within the exacerbation period and to examine the components of diagnostic and treatment process. The treatment response in Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome (with isolated manifestations of lichen planus on the buccal mucous membrane) depends not only on a dentist competence but also on cooperation between other specialists: dermatologist, oncologist, psychotherapist, family physician, and endocrinologist. Despite the positive clinical effect, the need to follow-up the further course of the disease is associated with the possibility of erosive-ulcerous form of lichen planus relapses and its malignant transformation.

Author Biographies

V. M. Kosenko, Zhytomyr Medical Institute of Zhytomyr Regional Council, Ukraine

MD, PhD, Head of the Department “Nursing Care and Preventive Dentistry”

I. M. Skyba, Clinic Denta Plus, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

MD, dentist of higher qualification category


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How to Cite

Kosenko VM, Skyba IM. Clinical manifestations of Grinspan–Potekaev syndrome on the buccal mucous membrane (a case report) . Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2021Jun.7 [cited 2025Mar.9];23(3). Available from:



Case Reports