
  • M. V. Didenko Donetsk regional center of sports medicine,
  • E. L. Mikhalyuk Zaporozhye state medical university,
  • S. N. Malakhova Zaporozhye state medical university,



women athletes-sprinters, electrocardiogram, heart rate variability, central hemodynamics, physical performance, index of the functional state, correlation


In recent decades there has been a significant increase in physical activity during the preparation of qualified athletes-sprinters. However, it is clear that a simple increase in volume and intensity of training loads in preparation can not be infinite. Russian sport trainers see tactics mistakes. Some authors consider that optimum technique construction of training is possible when taking into account normalizing the volume and load intensity based on the types of circulation (TC).

The aim of work was to study the bioelectrical activity of the heart, heart rate variability (HRV), central hemodynamics and physical performance (PP) in sportswomen-sprinters qualifications from II-III level to HMS.

Materials and research methods. Carried out a comprehensive survey of 30 sportswomen-sprinters, qualifications from II-III level to HMS. For the analysis of vegetative cardiovascular regulation mathematical methods of HRV were used. Central hemodynamics were studied by automated tetrapolar rheography. Determination of PP was performed by using a submaximal cycle ergometer test PWC170. The index of the functional state (IFC) was counted on a formula suggested and patented by us.

Results of research. The correct sinus rhythm is found in all sportswomen with sufficient voltage and not rejected electrical axis of the heart. Comparison of the mean values of HRV showed the presence in all groups of runners prevalence of a parasympathetic link of VNS. At sportswomen-sprinters qualifications MS-HMS had prevailed hypokinetic TC and the lowering of qualifications the ratio of TC varied: as a runner of qualification I level prevailed eukinetic TC, while the runners of qualifications II-III level has have appeared sportswomen-sprinters with hyperkinetic TC. PP was bigger in sprinters qualifications MS-HMS and tended to decrease with decreasing of the qualifications. Correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between SI and CI, negative – between the CI and the IFS, SI and PWC170/kg.


1. Sportswomen-sprinters are characterized by normal electrocardiogram and the prevalence of parasympathetic link of VNS.

2. At runners qualifications MS-HMS and CMS more common was hypokinetic TC, as evidence of economization of physiological functions, and at sportswomen I and II-III level - eukinetic TC.

3. The highest values PP were recorded in sportswomen-sprinters with qualifications of MS- HMS and this value was significantly reduced in runners with a decrease in their sports qualifications.

4. The correlation analysis found interrelation between the studied parameters, indicating that the prevalence of parasympathetic link VNS in sportswomen-sprinters accompanied hypokinetic TC and large values of PP and the IFS.


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How to Cite

Didenko MV, Mikhalyuk EL, Malakhova SN. VEGETATIVE PROVISION INDICATORS OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM AND PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY OF WOMEN ATHLET-SPRINTERS. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Apr.22 [cited 2025Feb.26];16(1). Available from:



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