Diseases of the circulatory system: health status and perspectives for changes


  • V. I. Klimenko Zaporozhye State Medical University,
  • A. V. Kovalenko Zaporozhye State Medical University,




cardiovascular diseases, prevalence, incidence, mortality, prevention


During last 20 years rates of incidence and prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system in Ukraine have been growing from year to year and became problems of current interest. According to the program of WHO, realization of diseases prevention is provided by using of scientific justification and monitoring of health indexes, including diseases of the circulatory system.

Goal of our research was to analyze health status of population of Zaporozhye region concerning cardiovascular diseases.

Data since 1995 to 2012 y. were taken in the Center of medical statistics of Zaporozhye region. Comparative analysis of obtained data was conducted in dynamics and with definition of specific weight of able to work population in structure of indexes and gender differences.

In article we showed, that on the background of depopulation of Ukraine during last 20 years, prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system increased by 2 times, and level of mortality from them increased for 45%. Specific weight of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system among adult population (state for 01.2013 y.) in Ukraine was 65,7%, in Zaporozhye region – 63,6%, among able to work population – 30,5%, in Zaporozhye region – 33,4%, but mortality among able to work men  in Zaporozhye region was in 5,5 times higher than in women. Specific weight of the diseases of the circulatory system in structure of general morbidity in total population in Ukraine was 31,5%, among able to work population – 24,1%; among total population of Zaporozhye region – 36,6% (in town – 35,0%; in country region – 39,8%), among able to work population of Zaporozhye region – 24,6% (in town – 22,8%; in country region – 27,6%). Structure of general morbidity of the cardiovascular diseases during last 10 years in Ukraine and in Zaporozhye region is stable. Leading place belongs to arterial hypertension: 56,1%- in Ukraine, 57,7 % - in Zaporozhye region. Comparing to Ukraine, before 2005 y. in Zaporozhye region, was observed high rise of prevalence of the cardiovascular diseases in total population. Since 2005 y. incidence rate of the cardiovascular diseases in total population became rather stable and even during 2005-2012 y. decreased on 1,1 %, and in Zaporozhye region had further growth up to 15,2 %.

Epidemiological situation, that was in Ukraine, especially in Zaporozhye region, is associated with growth of incidence and prevalence rates of the cardiovascular diseases in population, especially in able to work people. This creates direct threat to the health of population of the country and leads to significant economic loss. With this aim MHP of Ukraine together with all listed institutions and public organizations ought to fulfill mutual activity to create constantly functioning informative-educative provision, directed to forming health way of living, prevention of DCS and decreasing of risk factors of their development. In case of absence of constantly functioning informative-educative system of prevention of DCS and concentrating of attention only on detection of patients with arterial hypertension rates of prevalence, disability and mortality from DCS will grow.

Perspectives of further researches are in development of model of informative-educative provision of cardiovascular diseases prevention with accounting of leading medico-social factors that lead to beginning and complicate the process. 


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How to Cite

Klimenko VI, Kovalenko AV. Diseases of the circulatory system: health status and perspectives for changes. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Apr.22 [cited 2025Feb.26];16(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/23660



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