Women adaptation to maternity after physiological delivery and psychological readiness to the early discharge from obstetric department


  • N. S. Lutsenko
  • H. M. Al Suliman
  • V. Yu. Potebnya PI «Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of postgraduate studies of Ministry of health of Ukraine»,
  • O. D. Mazur PI «Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of postgraduate studies of Ministry of health of Ukraine»,
  • K. V. Ostrovskiy PI «Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of postgraduate studies of Ministry of health of Ukraine»,
  • I. S. Sokolovskaya PI «Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of postgraduate studies of Ministry of health of Ukraine»,




maternity, puerperal period, psychological readiness, rigidity, anxiety


Introduction. Nowadays problem of maternity acquires relevance, being one of the most difficult and little worked out area of science. One of the major stages of a puerperal period in development of maternity is the acquaintance with a child, his psychological acceptance as independent person, adaptation to him, and the essence of maternity changes on the whole. Thus researches studying the psychological aspects of puerperium, are small and fragmentary.

Thereby, the aim of work was to estimate women adaptation to maternity after physiological partum and psychological readiness to the early maternity hospital discharge.

Materials and research methods. There was made a psychodiagnostic examination of 110 puerperanten with the different parity of partum on the second day of postpartum. Group A - primiparas – 64 women, group B – secundiparas - 46 patients. A criterion of including in clinical groups was a physiological during of partum and postpartum.

Results of researches and their discussion. The moderate personality anxiety was characteristic for majority primiparas (68,7 %) and secundiparas (63,0 %). Middle level of rigidity for delieryin group A (8,5±3,3 points) was lower than in the group B (9,3±3,2 points) (р>0,05). Almost the third part (28,3 %) of secundiparas and 42,2 % primiparas of women have the subzero index of rigidity (р<0,05). Moderate rigidity occured in 37 (57,8 %) puerperanten of group A and 32 (69,5 %) – group B. The high level of rigidity was found only in secundiparas patients (2,2 %). High rigidity does not allow to react flexibly on the changing necessities of child, that can make problems in co-operating with a baby, wrong evaluation of the possibilities of mother and child. The comparative estimation of levels of frustration and aggressiveness marked absence of reliable differences. Reactive anxiety had a greater mean value (40,2±7,4 points) in a group B, exceeding this index in a group A on 1,4 point (38,8±10,6 points). High situation anxiety in 2,0 time more often diagnosed for patients after the repeated partus (28,3 % against 14,1 % for primiparas). A moderate anxiety occurred in 48 (75,0 %) primiparas and 29 (63,0 %) secundiparas.


1. Adaptation to maternity in a puerperal period and psychological readiness to the hospital discharge is characterized by the levels of rigidity and situation anxiety.

2. Most puerperanten on the second day of puerperal period have the formed psychological readiness to maternity and hospital discharge with new-born.

3. Psychological disadaptation with greater frequency is diagnosed in women after the repeated partum.

4. The psychodiagnosis examination of puerperanten is recommended for the estimation of adaptation to maternity as one of objective tests of readiness to the maternity hospital discharge.


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How to Cite

Lutsenko NS, Al Suliman HM, Potebnya VY, Mazur OD, Ostrovskiy KV, Sokolovskaya IS. Women adaptation to maternity after physiological delivery and psychological readiness to the early discharge from obstetric department. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Apr.22 [cited 2025Feb.26];16(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/23667



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