Features of autonomic regulation of heart rate, central hemodynamics and physical performance in Short-distance runners


  • E. L. Mikhalyuk
  • M. V. Didenko
  • S. M. Malakhova




athletes-sprinters, electrocardiography, heart rate variability, central hemodynamics, physical performance, correlation


In athletics running for short distances performed training and competition work is provided mainly through anaerobic processes, aerobic processes do not exceed 5-10% of energy. There are reports concerning the contribution of anaerobic metabolism to provide special performance and shaping the adaptive capacities cardiohemodynamics runners for short distances, stressing that the activation of glycolytic processes in sprinters is an important factor in stimulating adaptive responses cardiohemodynamics and regulatory mechanisms of wave oscillations of heart rate.
Physical performance in different phases and periods of athletic training has been the object of attention of many researchers as just an interest in its value in the short-distance runners.
Analysis of special scientific-methodical literature suggests that physical activity with a lot of heart rate, make high demands on the cardiovascular system sprinters and is often caused by the exhaustion of the adaptive capacity of an athlete and state dysadaptation. This can reflected to provide vegetative heart rate, central hemodynamic parameters, as well as physical performance.
The aim of work was to study the data of ECG, heart rate variability, central hemodynamics and physical performance in short-distance runner’s qualifications from II-III level to IMS.
Materials and research methods. Сomprehensive examination that included determination of the electrocardiogram, heart rate variability, central hemodynamics and physical performance in 46 athletes-sprinters. For ease of interpretation of the data groups were formed that differed in sports qualifications.
Results of research. The results showed the presence of features in the short-distance runners in the ECG parameters, heart rate variability data, central hemodynamics and physical performance. For athletes-sprinters preponderance of parasympathetic link of VNS was detected. Preference of the hypokinetic TC in athletes with qualifications of MS-IMS and CMS and athletes qualifications of I and II-III level – eukinetic TC. Value of PWC 170/kg was the greatest at runner’s with qualifications of MS-IMS and significantly decreases with the decrease of the athletic qualifications. Correlation analysis showed a trend whereby the benefit level of the parasympathetic link of VNS is accompanied by hypokinetic TC and increase of the physical performance and IFS.
1. The data of ECG studies demonstrate some features of short-distance runners, most of which is normalized after tests with dosed physical load.
2. In athletes-sprinters preponderance of parasympathetic link of VNS was detected that is most pronounced in athletes qualifications of CMS and I level.
3. The data of central hemodynamics demonstrate the most advantageous hypokinetic TC in athlete’s with qualifications of MS-IMS and CMS as runners qualifications of I-st and II-III level had prevailed eukinetic TC.
4. Relative value of physical performance was the greatest in runners with qualifications of MS-IMS that significantly reduced as the reduction of sports qualifications of athletes.
5. Correlation analysis demonstrated interrelation, indicating that the advantage of the parasympathetic link of VNS is accompanied by hypokinetic TC, increase physical performance and IFS.


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How to Cite

Mikhalyuk EL, Didenko MV, Malakhova SM. Features of autonomic regulation of heart rate, central hemodynamics and physical performance in Short-distance runners. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jun.19 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(2). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/25430



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