Choice of optimal conditions of Isoniazid and Thiotriazolin artificial mixture analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography method


  • L. I. Kucherenko
  • O. V. Khromylyova
  • Z. B. Moryak
  • H. I. Tkachenko



Thiotriazolin, Isoniazid, mixture, chromatography


At present a great attention is paid to the novel physicochemical methods of drugs analysis, notably high-performance liquid chromatography. Our investigation resulted in the development of simultaneous detection of Isoniazid and Thiotriazolin content in artificial mixture by high-performance liquid chromatography method, notably choice of mobile and immobile phase. It is not easy because both components have different acid-base nature: Thiotriazolin has acid character and Isoniazid is rather strong base. Besides, during our research we chose optimal conditions of analysis: column, eluent, rate of mobile phase, analytical wavelength of detector and volume of input probe. Received chromatograms satisfy all requirements of standards and will be used for the development of standardization methods for «IT» tablets.


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How to Cite

Kucherenko LI, Khromylyova OV, Moryak ZB, Tkachenko HI. Choice of optimal conditions of Isoniazid and Thiotriazolin artificial mixture analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography method. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jun.19 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(2). Available from:



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