Diagnosis and prognosis of states in invitro fertilization based on the ontology knowledge


  • S. V. Denysenko




diagnosis and prediction of states, in vitro fertilization, medical ontology, task-oriented ontology, assisted reproductive technologies, oriented graphs


The present study focuses on the theoretical principles and conceptual possibilities of creating of the ontology knowledge of the in vitro fertilization. The multi-level ontology, each level of which is aimed to solve specific task, i.e. diagnosis, prediction, choice of treatment, is suggested. Compound of the subject ontology and task-oriented ontology enables significant reduction in the volume of information on each level.


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How to Cite

Denysenko SV. Diagnosis and prognosis of states in invitro fertilization based on the ontology knowledge. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jun.19 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(2). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/25536



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