Brain natriuretic peptide, structural and functional cardiac remodeling in chronic heart failure with overweight and obesity


  • V. D. Syvolap
  • D. A. Lashkul
  • A. V. Abramov
  • A. M. Manukyan



Heart failure, Obesity, Brain natriuretic peptide


Aim. The presence of obesity in patients with coronary heart disease contributes to its progression and increased mortality. In order to study the relationship between brain natriuretic peptide and the structural and functional cardiac parameters 69 patients with ischemic chronic heart failure associated with overweight and obesity were examined.

Methods and results. Doppler echocardiography, immunoassay study of the structural and functional features of left ventricular myocardial remodeling and the level of N-terminal fragment brain natriuretic peptide were done. It was found that CHF patients with obesity in comparison with groups with normal weight lower levels of NT-proBNP were detected, regardless of functional class.

Conclusion. Level of NT-proBNP in ischemic chronic heart failure patients with obesity had a significant correlation relationship with structural heart geometric parameters that characterize the remodeling of the left ventricular myocardium, mainly concentric type, and the type of diastolic dysfunction disorders relaxation.


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How to Cite

Syvolap VD, Lashkul DA, Abramov AV, Manukyan AM. Brain natriuretic peptide, structural and functional cardiac remodeling in chronic heart failure with overweight and obesity. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jul.4 [cited 2025Feb.11];16(3). Available from:



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